Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Monday the Boy Scouts officially decided to stop discriminating against gay scout leaders, however they allow church affiliated scout troops to continue hating "teh gays." Still not good enough for the Mormons though.

Another idiot who equates homosexuality with pedophilia. Not true.
Courtesy of The New York Times: 

The Boy Scouts of America on Monday ended its ban on openly gay adult leaders. 

But the new policy allows church-sponsored units to choose local unit leaders who share their precepts, even if that means restricting such positions to heterosexual men. 

Well that is very good news indeed!

Now the Boys Scouts can finally join the21st Century and start treating people like people instead of focusing on their sexuality.   

Wait, there's a catch isn't there?

Despite this compromise, the Mormon Church said it might leave the organization anyway. Its stance surprised many and raised questions about whether other conservative sponsors, including the Roman Catholic Church, might follow suit. 

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is deeply troubled by today’s vote,” said a statement issued by the church moments after the Scouts announced the new policy. “When the leadership of the church resumes its regular schedule of meetings in August, the century-long association with scouting will need to be examined.” 

Dammit! What is with the Mormons and their fear of  all things non-heterosexual?

Wait didn't they say earlier that they would go along with this decision? 

Only two weeks ago, the Mormon Church hinted that it could remain in the fold so long as its units could pick their own leaders.

Gee, the Mormons lied, how unpredictable.

Well I guess we can look forward to another hundred or so Mormons making a mass exodus from the church in the near future.

One Colorado Republican lawmaker was so outraged by this change that he has suggested that gay scout leaders should be "drowned in the depths of the sea."

Seems a bit severe, don't you think?

Personally I think the Boy Scout charters should be restricted to secular sponsors and never be associated with any religious institutions. But hey that's just me.


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    If teh Marmans (sic, a goofy family joke) remove themselves from scouting it will be a great day. They are the most hateful and evil of any cult I've ever heard of. Hate em now myself and always will.

    1. A. J. Billings5:55 AM

      In terms of influence on a world wide scale, the LDS are right up there in terms of peddling their brand of snake oil.

      I think the bigger threat to our democracy is the Dominionist movement, as they tend to be far more active in Congress and state government.

      Ted Cruz is a good example of the most strident, dangerous, and fanatical of these theocracy advocates.

      They comprise just part of the Christian Taliban, striving in every way possible to dominate America in government, business, education, and culture.

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      A.J. -
      The Dominionists frighten me far more than the Mormons. Although a lot of the Mormon religious practices are secret, they are much more open about their business dealings and even just about being LDS.

      The Dominionist movement is much more stealthy. They start on the local level, like school boards and town councils, taking control where they can and never admitting their connections to the movement.

      While almost everyone has heard of the Mormon church,even if they don't know much about it, most people have NOT heard of the Dominionist movement.

  2. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Are there Mormon sponsored Girl Scout troops? Mormon treatment of girls and women is a lot more concerning to me what happens to their Boy Scout troops.

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Our brownie troop leader was Catholic..

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      The girls in church were taught things for,sewing,childcare. The boys groups went on

  3. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Only an idiot wouldn't mind letting perverts spend time with children.

    1. Anonymous5:11 AM

      Is that why folks keep you away from their young ones? I'm assuming you're hetero, you know, because of statistics and all.

    2. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Why, hello Elizabeth Smart! Never knew you read this blog. BTW, you little cvnt no one believes for a second you were raped repeatedly every day as you claim. You would've had a baby and probably be knocked up again by the time you were found. You ARE a useless piece of chewed up gum only worse. And you're also a far bigger idiot than anyone here. So stfu bitch!

    3. Anonymous7:47 AM

      @5:12 I hope you get AIDS bitch.

    4. "Only an idiot wouldn't mind letting perverts spend time with children."
      True, but what does that have to do with gay people?

    5. Amen, Nefer. Gay does not equal pedophile.

    6. Anonymous8:32 AM

      5:12 a.m., you're so toxic and ugly that you sound like a Palin. I'm surprised that Gryphen, much as he hates censorship, let that comment through.

    7. Anonymous9:24 AM

      4:06am must be talking about. *closet pedifiles. Most gays I know are "out" and have no interest in young children.rather,someone of their own age and interests.

    8. Anonymous6:14 PM

      @5:12 you obviously had a big hatred toward women or LDS it whatever. However, I hate the Palin Klan with every fibre of my being and I've seen much more graphic posts regarding Sarah or bristol before that posters praise. There are a lot of hypocrites around here is all I'm saying.

  4. Tanya Gray4:34 AM

    I've never had ANY use for Mormons after visiting my cousins in Utah and seeing firsthand how they treat non Mormons. Evil money worshipping pathetic group of hypocrite.

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Jerry Sandusky wasn't gay.

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      The overwhelming majority of pervs are heterosexuals.

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      5:44 All perverts are gays like Harvey Milk.

  6. There is no 'threat to religious freedom,' it's religions that are cutting their own throats now. And I think I'm okay with that.

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    The mo's don't want to acknowledge there's a difference between being gay and being a closet pedifile.

  8. Anonymous8:30 AM

    As soon as you said "Republican Colorado lawmaker," I knew you were talking about good old Chaps. My parents live in his district in eastern Colorado Springs. I'm pretty sure they voted for him in spite of all the links I sent them to his insane exorcism videos.

    That area is a bunch of cookie cutter subdivisions occupied by retired mid-level military. (No disrespect meant to IM retired military, like Caroll Thompson, who is always one of my favorite commenters. I'm not sure why so many people in Colorado Springs, veteran and not, seem to have drunk the Kool-Aid.) The indoctrination and craziness run deep out there.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      My sister lived in Colorado Springs for a couple of years before moving to another part of the state. Although it's one of the prettier parts of CO that I've been to, there are a lot of scary right wing religious nuts there!

      What's even more frightening is the influence they've had on the Air Force Academy and, in turn, on the US Air Force itself. There are some disturbing stories coming out of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation about all branches of the military, but the USAF in particular.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Well all I can say is BYE FELICIA.

  10. Anita Winecooler4:58 PM

    I agree, the Boy Scouts should only accept secular Sponsors and keep Churches to their own, such as the Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian Association. Sexuality is a non issue, or at least should be, unless they can earn pins or stripes or whatever it is they collect for "good deeds". And while we're on the subject, I'm amused but not surprised with the ignorance of the church you mentioned, equating sexual preference with pedophilia is a myth, they once kept people of color from joining because they weren't considered "less than human", who knows, maybe in a hundred years they'll stop acting like holier than thou ostriches.


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