Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Speaking of the Throwdown at the Hoedown, now the Right is accusing the homeowner of sexually assaulting Bristol Palin.

So it is now the day after audio and pictures of the brawl have been released by the Anchorage Police, and media outlets on the Right have finally decided on their plan of attack in covering it.

Essentially, Bristol's been victimized. Perhaps even sexually.

Take a look at this from the Daily Caller:  

When news trickled out about the Palins being involved in a drunken brawl, I was mildly amused. The narrative was that this band of rich hillbillies was at it again. Then I saw this disturbing quote from Bristol Palin (being questioned about the incident): 

“I walk back up. “Did you push my sister?” And some guy gets up, pushes me down on the grass, drags me across the grass. “You slut, you fucking cunt, you fucking this.” I get back up, he pushes me down on the grass again. And I have my five year old, they took my $300 sunglasses, they took my fucking shoes, and I’m just left here?

“A guy comes out of nowhere and pushes me on the ground, takes me by my feet, in my dress—in my thong dress, in front of everybody—”Come on you cunt, get the fuck out of here, come on you slut, get the fuck out of here.” I don’t know this guy.” 

IF this is true (and we may never know for sure, but she sounds sincere), then Bristol Palin was physically, verbally — and possibly even sexually – assaulted by a man.

The reporter, Matt K. Lewis, then goes on to suggest that Bristol's victimization should be the lead story, and that the media's refusal to recognize that demonstrates bias on their part.

What Lewis fails to recognize, and I think purposefully, is that the key part of his article was "if this is true."

But it's not true, and proven by the testimony of everybody who is NOT a Palin family member.

However that is unimportant as the Right now has their meme and they are going to run with it.

And this Right Scoop article drives that point home: 

CNN host Carol Costello can barely contain her excitement over hearing the new audio of the ‘brawl’ in Alaska that involved Bristol Palin a few weeks back. 

After the audio concluded, Costello said “I think that long beep was my favorite part,” referring to the beep that replaced a long string of expletives from Bristol Palin. 

Costello then quoted Sarah Palin’s Facebook post where she had remarked how proud she was that Palin defended the family, noting that it made her heart soar. Costello ended it by saying smugly “You can thank me later.” 

What’s so disturbing about Costello’s smug excitement over this audio is the actual content of the audio, in which Bristol Palin is incredibly upset as she describes to police how she and her sister were assaulted by someone at the party. I’m not sure how something like that can excite someone so much. Costello clearly has such contempt for the Palins that she apparently gets off on harm coming to the Palins. 

I suspect if these were Barack Obama’s girls in the same situation, Costello would be defending them instead of laughing at them. 

Yeah, you know what? The Obama girls are NEVER going to be in this kind of situation. They are far to well parented for that.

I know that playing the victim is the favorite Palin tradition, but that is simply not going to work in this case.

Those audio tapes reveal the Palin family as the foul mouthed bullies that we all know them to be.

They can try to shape this story any way they want, but in the end there is no escaping the fact that the party was completely drama free until the Palins arrived, and after that at least three fights broke out and every one of them involved at least one member of their family.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Not to mention that the family friend said HE was the one who removed her from the scene, not Korey.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      I think that was Matt McKenna, or at last that's the name he gave in the police recordings.

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      I posted this on a earlier thread: Korey get a fucking CLUE!
      Anonymous3:51 PM

      Okie dokey! Korey better fuckin' man up and sue the fuck out of those inbred hillbillies!
      It really IS Alaskan BenGhazi (Thank you Beldar) and the daily baller is trying to make HIM the bad guy! Someone in AK needs to step the fuck up and wipe that smug sense of "entitlement" off the whole flippin' familys face, as obviously news wise they are all so fucked up they don't "Get" that they HAVE been outed as a pile of thugs aka pile of "shit"!
      And brave "pistol" who pissed herself? uh huh!
      Hoooohaaaah and FUCK the Palins!

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      I will never get tired of that photo of Bristol standing in her own pee puddle, and not even knowing it.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Looking forward to more revelations..........I would guess some are hoding their breath.......

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      This isn't a "revelation" , this is just the same story we had in the police report, only you're hearing it on tape instead of reading it. Bristol tells a story that is in blatant contradiction to the story told by countless other witnesses. Just because you hear it in her voice instead of reading it paraphrased by cops doesn't mean it's not the same LIE.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      As in "Video".....

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM Tawdry says there is not any video.
      Audio 5.
      Well if Korey has any ballz at all or he is now receiving "postage" he should man up and sue otherwise the palins are doing the "whisper campaigning" on him and all of US!! ALASKANS tell the fucking truth!

    4. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Anonymous4:55 PM

      This isn't a "revelation" , this is just the same story we had in the police report, only you're hearing it on tape instead of reading it. Bristol tells a story that is in blatant contradiction to the story told by countless other witnesses. Just because you hear it in her voice instead of reading it paraphrased by cops doesn't mean it's not the same LIE.
      What LIE Willblow?
      We have all heard your hysterical voice like mommy's?
      What lie EXACTLY?

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    If it happened as Barstool says, the Palins would have marketed the video for millions already. Where are the eye witnesses Stool to back up the claim? No one on the audio repeated the tale.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      The Palins are going to stand up for the girls. That is what they do, that is the Palin family. The Palins will sue Korey K. if what Bristol says is true.

      No doubt about it. The Palins would sue.

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Yep, you are correct. If Bristol's version is true they would sue, just like they would sue if all the other disgusting things they have reportedly done were lies. Since we haven't seen one single lawsuit, we can safely conclude that they have no grounds for lawsuits. If Bristol's version were true, they would release the video and prove it. But they won't so we can safely conclude that the video would destroy them.

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      5:10 yep you are right. the palins will sue korey for the assault on bristol. they have already said he is a violent person who had police called on him for domestic abuse. sarah said so. in the audio. and he pushed bristol down and shamed her by calling her every name in the book and dragged her around the yard. the palins will sue korey and i think we all need to get behind this. don't you all? i mean it is not enough to have korey's name drug through the mud on an international level, it is not enough to have c4p calling him out for being an abusive man to bristol and calling for the palins to file charges against him. i think we need to support all of these calls for charges against korey!!! and the palins need to sue him! take him to court and sue his azz for what he did to bristol. we all heard her obvious distress.

      file charges and sue korey palins!!!!

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      What makes it worse to me is that Korey was having a birthday party for his son. At his own son's birthday party he would toss Bristol Palin around and call her slut and cunt and do all the dirty assaults?

      You know a decent father would not do that.

      They would not be extorted into allowing the world to see him as that type of a family man.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Gawd, why oh why did I read the comments? I need a shower and a glass of wine.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      4:40 PM
      4:41 PM
      4:42 PM
      are the only comments before 4:43 PM and you need a shower?

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I meant why did I read the comments at the right wing sites. I know better.

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM

      My daddy always told us to shower once a week whether we need it or not ;-)

  5. Anonymous4:44 PM

    So is Klingenmeyer going to wait until the Palin's accuse him of the Kennedy assassination before he grows some balls and presses charges ?

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Since witness after witness repeats the same story that Bristol punched Korey in the face five to six times and never touched her, his lawsuit is pretty much made for him. Even McKenna admits that she punched him. Every witness gives the officer their ID, name, birth date, etc. A lawyer has a ready made case waiting here.

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      No one is going to spend time to read the police report. Not the writers who love the Palins. They are just going to turn a man into a wife beater and someone who assaults young mothers and call them sluts. Poor Bristol. Her child had to see all that.

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM

      I'm confused. Bristol didn't know whose house she was in but Sarah knew the guy was a wife beater?

    4. Anonymous7:56 PM

      6:22 PM
      "...a man who is a wife beater and assaults young mothers and calls them sluts and cunts..." in front of 75 to 100 guests not to mention his own wife and at least one son. (I have no idea how many children Korey has).

      This is typical Palin BS poorly thought out lies. Korey said on one of the audio tapes to the cop "I know what is coming in the morning. You and I both know what will be coming so I want to file charges". (Not exact words but close enough).

    5. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Anonymous5:49 PM

      Since witness after witness repeats the same story that Bristol punched Korey in the face five to six times and never touched her, his lawsuit is pretty much made for him
      The news been focusing on that last week...
      Tic tock
      You old hoooohaaahhh!!!

    6. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Time to let that Korey know just what the PayMes are making him out to be. Unless he IS a wife beater. If not, he should be advised by his lawyer that he now has the smoking gun from the police report that $error has been defaming him.

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I have tried to watch several news/entertainment outlets coverage and so many of them don't bother to listen to the entire recordings. They focus on the Palins only and in doing so, perpetuate the notion that the Palin version is the truth. This makes Bristol not only a sister defending her sibling, but the victim of an obscene Korey. I hope Korey is happy with how this is playing out.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Korey needs another job. He is obviously trapped in the Palin web.

      It is hell for his whole family. Dad is a pervert and he attacked the Princess of Alaska. Maybe 10 people will know the Palins lie. But the world knows Korey K. is a bully and a woman beater.

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      " But the world knows Korey K. is a bully and a woman beater."
      That's a VERY serious allegation.
      Got proof?

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      So, those who adore Sarah or Bristol Palin now believe that Korey not only used disgusting language towards Bristol, but repeatedly knocked her to the ground, drug her around while she was wearing a dress and exposed her thong and oh, yeah, didn't he beat up his wife or girlfriend in the past (according to the old Palin chick)? You ok with that, Korey? Seems the blows keep coming.

    4. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Actually the world knows that the Palins are a joke and apparently don't mind their grandson seeing his family drunk and acting like fools....poor kid

    5. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Did Tripp have to witness Korey calling his mother a slut and cunt and dragging her on the lawn til her hoohah was there for all to see?

      Sue the pervert Bristol. Don't let Tripp think you are too weak and you would take that from anyman. Only people who grow up in abusive households grow up to tolerate that much abuse in front of their children.

      Btw who were all the children the Palins were hiding in the hummer and what was that all about?

    6. Anonymous6:58 PM

      5:13 was being sarcastic.

  7. And Sarah knew in advance while it was happening that this was her only plan of possible extrication- hope the RWNJs buy her victim meme. And that is why she says to the cops, almost conspiratorially "didn't he BEAT UP his WIFE? Or girlfriend?" regarding Klingenmeyer.

    Gryphen, what say you on how Korey should handle this NOW?

    I wonder if his job is so important that he will allow this audio to stand unchallenged?

    I know better than to hope too much, but I really wish a major media outlet would point out it is ONLY the Palins saying Bristol was dragged, etc. someone with a loud voice and a big following needs to remark on how the multiple, unrelated witness accounts are the true story.

    It also needs to go viral that Todd said "the video don't exist" and told the cops NO when they inquired about the video.

    Do y'all remember when TBAT said something like "...and Sarah was telling Todd GET HIS PHONE, I am not joking right now"...? I can't help but wonder if this was the phone Todd HAD to get? (Allegedly shot by Klingenmeyer's young son)

  8. Anonymous4:54 PM

    He either sexually assaulted Bristol or he didn't. It is up to him to decide to go along with the Palins version or not. He is a parent. He will do what he feels is right for himself and his children.

  9. Caroll Thompson4:55 PM

    Well, since old Sarah's phone is not ringing and the pig lady Joni and Ohio Dan are not returning her calls, it looks like Sarah has time to rewrite history. Or put another way, Sarah has found a fool to write a story, with the emphasis on story as in fiction.

    Yup, Sarah has a problem. The phone is not ringing, no one is booking Sarah for her high priced speaking engagements and the SarahPac donations are done to a trickle. So, Sarah does the only thing she knows well and that is to throw the homeowner who Bristol punched a bunch of times under the bus and charge that he verbally, physically and sexually assaulted her golden child.

    Sarah never plays defense; she only plays offense. Next thing you know, the throwdown at the hoedown will be: a. Obama's fault, b. the fault of Liberals or c. her old favorite, the lamestream media.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      We have a tie! B. & C. are the early front runners! Bristol's blog is blaming the liberal lanedtream media! Darn! I put my money on the prez.

  10. Anonymous4:55 PM

    No one is going to come out and say their story isn't the truth... so they will skate through this too

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      I think the guy being accused of assault just might find his voice again. And maybe some video. This may have been hushed as a deal between friends/employers but if someone could go to jail, I'd think all bets are off.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Klingenmeyer will not go to jail. His reputation and name will be trashed with insinuations in the press.

      He has to take the hit for the Iron Dog creeps that have no decency. He is the only one that can save Bristol and the drunk family.

      Klingenmeyer and his son don't matter to the Palins. If need be the other thugs will reward him with a raise or what it takes for him to support the crime family and destroy his own soul and name.

      These idiots are nuts and can make Klingenmeyer think he is a hero saving Bristol and that he has job security and he is a rich man for his sacrifice.

      To hell with Klingenmeyer and his family. Palins rule.

  11. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Attention RWNJs!!! Repeat the following three times and then send your money to SarahPAC!

    Single never married mother of a five year old leaves him in the stretch hummer limo and parties down with her mom, dad, PTSD brother and 20yo sister in a "thong dress". Police are forced to respond in the middle of the night to defend their honor and help the single mom find her $300.00 sunglasses. Left wing media so-called "fact based" (recordings can be faked don'cha know?) hatefest ensues to disguise random Obama and or Democrat fail of the day.

    1. Don't forget. Korey Klingenmeyer assaulted Bristol by hitting her fist with his face half a dozen times.

  12. Anonymous5:07 PM

    ....What Lewis fails to recognize, and I think purposefully, is that the key part of his article was "if this is true." ....

    He over looked the context and where this information is coming from, including all the witnesses that told the opposite. Also that Todd's close friend said he picked up Bristol and carried her. Only drunk Bristol is making Corey an assaulting beast. Which is like Bristol, don't forget Levi the rapist and oh not a rapist. Bristol has a past. She has zero respect for authority. She lied to the Federal Judge to hurt the kid in Tennessee.

    1. Anonymous2:38 AM

      The person who carried Bristles out had better save the pants he was wearing. They likely have DNA from Bristle's pee on them!! Just like the blue dress, we all remember THAT. Love the photo of her standing over the puddle.

  13. Anonymous5:12 PM

    When I saw that the audio tapes were out, and were mostly the ones from the PayMe side, I was actually wondering, just how long it would take until someone would make the PayMes actually be the victims. I guess it took a whole friggin' day.

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Come the fuck ON!
    Sexual assault? Rilly?
    Press charges or STFU.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      The Palins won't sue. There is no evidence of assault.

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM

      The Palins won't sue anyone. Their purpose is to slander Korey, make him the guilty party to the whole thing which clears Bristol's actions because she was sexually assaulted, clears Track for attempting to protect his sisters. Palins are innocent! Of everything!! They don't have to sue, they're presenting their case in the court of public opinion. They win. Again.

      When Eric Thompson got fired, it was pretty apparent what the outcome of this story would be.

  15. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Klingenmeyer, you have a great defamation case, please go for it!

    And lets hope that they allow cameras in the courtroom.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      He probably gets a raise so it isn't like it costs him anything.

    2. Defamation?

      Wouldn't it be slander?

  16. Anonymous5:24 PM

    This is exactly what we have waited for since this whole drama started! By calling Korey out as sexually assaulting poor Bristol, the Palins probably have finally overplayed their hand. Korey has to now decide if it is worth having his name dragged through the mud and not say anything or release the video he obviously has or can get and charge Bristol with assault. I don't think any innocent man will sit back and let someone label them a sexual deviant without fighting back. I don't think the Palin's have enough money to keep this video from being released. People tend to get indignant over someone being falsely accused and they may have really opened the floodgates!


    1. Good point...I personally don't mind many, if not all of them, keeping their mouths shut, shows the kind of class that the Palins never show, most at the brawl seem to just want no part of it, but this might just push good people past the point of patience...we can only hope, karma is a bitch Palin

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Karma is in her face. Just LOOK at the zyborg she's turned into. Bristol and Willow falling right into step, Track doesn't even deserve a mention.

      These people are ANIMALS and I knew it once they hit the stage in '08. Here's to IQs not in double digits!

    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Exactly. I agree, he will either speak out now or we will know Todd Palin has blackmailed him.

    4. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Korey may end up in an airplane accident. Another mystery and fatality.

      I hope he doesn't leave the Palin legacy version for his child to live with. The history books will probably even have a Bristol version as if it is the gospel truth. You know how religious she is.

    5. "Whatever"7:50 PM

      Remember what the guy who got fired said. Klingenmeyer ASKED PEOPLE to speak up to police because he feared that Bristol would charge him with hitting her.

      He sure had her / the Palins figured out. Only he didn't realize how far they will go.

      Forget all the witness statements to the contrary. The Palins and the Right Wing Media (and the crazies) will repeat the Bristol was raped story until it becomes "truth."

      I'm sorry he's in this situation, but he got himself into it by not stepping up in the first place. And for hanging out with people who hang out with the Palins.

      The ball is in his court. How will he play it? What kind of legacy will he leave his kids?

      And these "claims of rape" are on the Internet and will haunt him all his life.

    6. Anonymous8:26 PM

      "Whatever"7:50 PM

      Sad that his children will have to live with it.
      He would be able to keep his job and get a pay off. That wouldn't be worth it to most people, but he would go another way if he can't settle with what he is settling on.

      I hope he doesn't have a premature demise and leave his kids with that also.

    7. That's what I was thinking. They went too far.

      They might have been able to pay him off or in some other way stifle his action over Bristol assaulting him. But now that they are accusing him of sexually assaulting's likely he's say fuck you and press charges and let it all hit the fan.

      Nothing like airing a little dirty laundry, especially when it's not yours.

      Go Korey! Go Korey!

    8. Anonymous8:47 PM

      The inferred 'sexual assault' by Kory Klingmeyer (sp) in September at her father's 50 birthday party for which Bristol wore a 'thong dress' to the host's home:

      'Then Bristol will 'righteously' give birth to the child of the 'rapist' and her 'mother' will praise her for her strong work (labor) ethics, right?


  17. Anonymous5:28 PM

    What’s so disturbing the actual content of the audio, in that Bristol Palin young son just watched his drunken mother and her inbred siblings get into a fight.... poor kid

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Disturbing the police heard what Bristol said and didn't arrest the man on the spot.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      The poor kid had to see his drunk family swearing and fighting. I bet that wasn't the first time.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      The police listened to both sides and their report lists Korey as the victim and Barstool as the assaultant. If they were going to arrest someone that night, it would have been Barstool. She was the one who was lying.

    4. Anonymous6:51 PM

      No, the police believed Bristols buddy Matt McKenna when he said he hauled her drunken ass away. Bristol, or I should say Willow was trying to make up a story but she wasn't smart enough to do so. All other witnesses say Bristol hit Korey. Bristol was too drunk to know if she hit him or not and them stood and peed in the street. What is disturbing is that Track, Todd, and Bristol weren't arrested and even more disturbing was that the police did not call child services and left Tripp in the care of a parent that was so drunk and belligerent that she was punching the parties host and peeing on herself.

    5. Anonymous8:48 PM

      and one can hear a child crying in the background

    6. cckids9:50 PM

      The part of the audio with Tripp crying & crying in the background was so disturbing to hear. All those family members around, and you don't hear one person say "It's ok, let's go sit in the car/go over there", whatever to distract him from what had to be a frightening situation. As a mom myself, all I can say is sad, sad, sh*tty human beings.

    7. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Someone mentioned that Korie's young son made video of what was going on. Todd was in a tizzy but got it secured. The police helped him as I understand.

      Korie's son and Todd share a birthday. Do you think they will be celebrating together again one day?

  18. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I can never look at Bristol pictures again without seeing her pee in the road gross self.

    I thought her fat costumes were the worst. Now her nasty self out grossed the fat dancing mess she was.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      That's what happens when you push out a gang of kids in a couple years. You sneeze pee, you cough cry, you pee.

    2. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:14 PM

      You hit someone in the face, you pee.
      You lose your $300 Wal-Mart sunglasses, you pee.
      You lie to the cops, you pee.

    3. Anonymous2:46 AM

      Just wait until her mother's donations dry up, and she has to get a REAL job!! She will do MORE than pee, I betcha. Any article about her from now on needs to include that gross photo of her standing peeing.

  19. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Does anyone think Klingenmeyer is going to come forth after he saw what happened to Eric Thompson? The audio tells what he thinks. The mafiosos know it, too, why they skate every damn time.


    Sexual assault my @ss. They are so deep in corruption nation and worldwide. No wonder she gave her "global apology."

    What absolute scum of the earth.

  20. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I have a question: When Korey dragged the young Palin chick around the lawn, did everybody see her HOOHAH? Just askin' (winking).

    1. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Hasn't everyone in Alaska already seen THAT??

    2. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Who hasn't seen her HOOHAH ?

  21. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Get a lawyer, Korey. Once the Palin victimization ball gets rolling, it won't stop until it runs you over.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      He needs a job. Extortion is legal in Alaska.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Slander isn't and neither is lying to a law enforcement officer.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      My prediction is Korey will just get more hush money and stay quiet. I have been around here too long to think otherwise. Their brand is in the toilet but they will keep limping along.

    4. Anonymous8:02 PM

      7:31 PM

      I am afraid you are right. Korey has that nice house and he flies and who knows his expenses for living the Iron Dog and hunting lifestyle to the max in Ak.

      He would prefer to sell his soul to the devil than scale down and find a better job.

  22. Anonymous5:40 PM

    true. the right wing is quick to condemn KK and place all the blame on him. The story has gone viral that he attacked her.

    SOME comments on FB indicate that slimey drunks will always go after famous people like the Palins.

    The word has not gotten out yet that the Palins are the ones that were drunk, and attacked the host after crashing his party.

    People BELIEVE Bristol's lies that someone called her names.

    It's just unbelievable how stupid some people are. Hopefully the media will break the fake birth story of Trig in the next few days. It's common knowledge and it's out there.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Bristol was drunk and talking to the police. The RWNJs are also ignoring the other witnesses. Typical of that ilk. But a nasty way to destroy Korey's family.

  23. Anonymous5:42 PM

    And I have my five year old,

    Uh, wouldn't she say "my son?" or Tripp?

    Is this how she distinguishes Tripp from his other half-sibs?

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      My five year old as opposed to swearing on the life of DS Trig.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Which one is her 5 year old?

  24. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I am on quite a few sites commenting & I have noticed there are fewer and fewer Palin defenders. I think most Americans are smart enough to recognize bullshit when they see it. The sites that are sympathetic to the Palins are not as high traffic as the ones that expose her and her family as the trash that they are..........

  25. Anonymous5:46 PM

    let's face it...Bristol accuses everyone of sexual assault. It's never happened to her...except in the privacy of her bedroom, Levi's bedroom, Gino's, Jokee's, Jimbo's, Track's.

    1. Balzafiar7:07 PM

      Not to mention all the tents she's pulled the train in.

      Besides, it's a proven fact: you cannot rape the willing.

  26. Anonymous5:56 PM

    “I don’t give a fuck if their name’s Palin or fucking Obama, cause they don’t mean shit to me.” Korey Klingenmeyer

    That was then... now the Palins mean the world to Korey Klingenmeyer.

  27. I personally go to the Daily Caller every single day just to tell someone they are an idiot. Not because I am angry or a troll (I DO troll them, quite often, and I LIKE it, I really, really LIKE it) but when I visit the Daily Mauler as I call it, never fails, no matter what, to make me feel smarter. I' only surprised at the fact that the Daily Baller took so long to post it's usual bullshit, and the people there are dumb, not just normal dumb, but the really, really stupid kind of dumb, as I like to point it no mind, threat it like the ant-farm it is, and keep fighting the good fight, I take solace in knowing that at least here there are smart people left in the world...

  28. ibwilliamsi6:06 PM

    Wait - does this mean that drunk girls AREN'T "asking for it"? They need to decide. Right now.

  29. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Kind of OT, but anybody else think it is weird that a protestant would wear a St George medallion? St George is the patron saint of military men and....and disease sufferers including leprosy, plague, herpes and syphilis.... I am going to take the high road on this one and assume it was worn as a military protection. And, how many times can a protestant man use the word "Kosher" when describing a party? Seems the clan likes to dabble in religion. Serious protestants don't wear St. medals, 'cus, that's not a protestant thing, see?

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Palins don't go to church. Their kids are drugged and easily manipulated with religious myths. They think they need objects to protect them. They will steal or use any religion.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      After being drug across the lawn,Brislut should wear the medallion of St.Fiacre,patron saint of gardening and patron saint of venereal disease sufferers.

    3. Doesn't stop Scarah from wearing a big honkin' Star of David.

      They're grazers. They graze the bible for snippets that support their delusions. Why not graze for medals that look pretty and have some sort of magical myth they like.

  30. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Barstool has paid Nancy go into full victim mode for her at her blog.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      "Recently, they said my parents are giving a divorce."

      Giving a divorce?

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Wow. That is a brilliant bit of spin, I must say. But perhaps really stupid as well? Unless Korey is being threatened or paid a million dollars, this is basically a challenge to dare him to file charges. And if he and all the other witnessess that were not named Palin are all telling the truth, he will be forced to file charges/sue because they are in full slander/libel mode against this guy's character. Palin already calling him a woman abuser, and now Bristol basically saying he not only verbally attacked her, but physically did as well. Korey what-his-name does not come across well at all in their well-executed version...he'd be an idiot not to press charges and not to sue. Even the twin brother who is trying to protect the Palins contradicted their story. This is also a great big dare for all who have video to release it. And of course, it's giving it even more shelf life. Very fascinating response.

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      After reading Bristol's blog I literally feel sick. Seriously, there is something wrong with that child. I chalked her version of events recorded by the cops up to her drunkenness. The only thing I can chalk her blog version up to is pathological lying. Geez. In spite of repeatedly stating Korey drug her around the party, now she claims he pushed her down and held her down, until unnamed persons rescued her. A never before mentioned person attacked Steve, after posting on fb that he was "about to become famous". Really? No one brought that up on the recordings. I could swear the claim was that guys were talking crap about the palin chicks? But, the beauty of the blog is when Bristol slings shit at Biden (whose son actually accepted responsibility for his actions and apologized), and the Clintons. It is so obvious she is a hateful, jealous, petty little bitch. I hope this story BLOWS UP! Keep lying and pissing people off. It may bite you in your fat ass.

    4. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Why didn't this little blog post come out right after it happened? So transparent...idiots all of them.

    5. Anonymous7:49 PM

      7:00 PM I missed the 'brilliant' part.

      It was clearly political.

      Conservative women are ruined by liberals, liberal families can get by with crimes and the women are not attacked and called names.

      Sarah doesn't even bother to tell Nancy to try and write like she is a 24 year old woman. So Bristol comes off as in her 40s. How brilliant is that?

    6. Sarong, not Thong, you stupid fucking hick8:24 PM

      "Giving a divorce", someone's ghost writer is not "giving" their money's worth

    7. Indeed, that is an unconvincing explanation. The photo in that blog post caught my attention. Once again, I have difficulty in believing that Tripp is only 5 - he looks older. Trig, by contrast, looks younger than his stated age. There has always been some mystery about when the children were born. In some way, I think this is a key to the whole mystery of Sarah's strange pregnancy.

  31. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

    Oh my! I doubt she could get a date if the seventh fleet came in. She may get some nasty stares or snorts of laughter and pointing, but a date? Anything even resembling a date? No Way.
    Hi, I'm Bristol Palin ------ mass exodus to the next bar (after, of course, tying her thong to the spitoon)

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      The photo of her piss by her feet will be her most iconic moment. It beats out the ugly chin ones and all of them. It is so representative of the Palin name and this poor pitiful spawn from the back back woods of idiot parenting.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      @6:41 The piss thing is unbelievable! I have a friend who is a recovering alcoholic and she recently told me that she used to pee her pants when she was wasted. She said it was common thing that alcoholics do...who knew? It doesn't bode well for Bristol. Who will be the first family member to go to rehab?

    3. Anonymous8:11 PM

      That's not piss, it's amniotic fluid...


    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Oh 8:11, I do LOVE your comment.

  32. Anonymous6:23 PM

    My mouth dropped open at Brancy's ghost-written pile of moose poo telling "bristol's side". What a made up piece of garbage, and she drags the Clintons in to it? Sorry Bristol, the Clintons didn't get into a drunken trash brawl.
    Um, and you don't get to compare yourself with the Clintons, you'll never see the inside of the White House.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Nancy's version for Sarah and Bristol is that the “get famous” guy, Connor Cleary, was when the Palin's party pooped. It was Connor's fault, he started the bad juju that night. Connor didn't even get a mention in the police report but Connor gets full mention at Bristol's Blog. Also his mother is a terrible woman and did all those horrible things.

      Why on earth would people talk about the Cleary's as scared and clinging to each other when Bristol and Willow were to have been on a mission to attack them? How did they get left out of the police report?

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Typical. I want to read it but I won't give her the clicks.

    3. Sarong, not Thong, you stupid fucking hick8:21 PM

      I like how Bristol's blog said that people said her "parents are giving a divorce" WTF does that mean?

    4. Anonymous9:22 PM

      7:50 PM

      It is crap. They don't mention names but they are clear about who they are talking about. Both Connor Cleary and Korey Klingenmeyer look bad. Then it spins into politics and Palin victimhood.

      They also wrote this about Korey:
      “You c-nt!” he looked right in my eyes and said. “Get the f-ck out of here, you slut!”
      I was alarmed that things had gotten so bad so fast. But it got even worse when this guy started pushing me. He had his hands on me, pushing me down. That’s when I swung and hit his face.
      Some would say I should’ve never retaliated in defense against him, but certainly he should never have pushed a girl. It didn’t phase him. He pushed me down to the ground and kept me there.
      It was scary and awful. He held me down until someone got me out of the situation.
      That’s it – that’s the story.

  33. Anonymous6:27 PM

    The Brawl took place a month ago, and the police have released some accounts of the incident, now a month later. Sarah Palin never met a lawsuit that she didn't love, threatening people with cease and desist letters from her lawyer, getting restraining orders against stupid young men, and sending a kid to jail for hacking her private email (which she used to conduct state business). Funny, where is the Palin lawsuit against whoever is supposed to have hurt, assaulted, injured or insulted her family? Of course Sarah was no where near the fight since she was conveniently left out of the police report, but her lawyer would have filed something if there was something to file.

    Poor Bristol, all alone in the house with the Secret Service protecting her, and she reads a threatening message 12 hours later on her cell phone. That was really scary. Those reported threats of rape against Bristol and Willow in Juneau were never reported to the police or the school. That was just an excuse for Sarah to live in Wasilla, away from the government workers in Juneau who knew what a fake she was.

    All you have to do is hear Bristol swearing and screaming and read the report from the police that she was drunk. She swung at someone a number of times and when he tried to restrain her, she was so drunk that she fell down. It's amazing that Bristol could see anything, wearing $300. sunglasses at night. What did Bristol complain about? Did she say that shew as assaulted? No, she said that she was wearing a thong dress and she was missing her $300. sun glasses.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      The brawl happened Sept 6. The stalker arrest was Sept 7. It took the police about one month to release a shallow report. Now almost another month and they are releasing a little more. What they are holding back is more interestings, I doubt they want to give it up.

  34. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Even if Barstool was telling the truth, being dragged off the premises by the homeowner because he asked you politely to leave and you were too drunk and beligerent to do so isn't sexual assault.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      It does not explain Todd and Track fighting. I guess they will have to post their own "the other guy did it" stories.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      I think much of this is cover up for Track and other things that were going on.The Palin version is solidifying now that Nancy is writing for Bristol. But it only provokes more questions. I can't believe that Connor or Korey are satisfied but maybe they made a deal and were paid off. so they can live with having their families trashed.

      Connor's mother is an awful woman and he started the trouble for Bristol. Korey did all that sexual assaulting on his own son's birthday, at the party Korey was having for his son. What a lowly creep would do that?

      No one in their right mind would tolerate those things being said about them if they were not true.

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Yes, there is a lot to explain about Steve, gay and not so gay friend of Track Palin.

      Track had issues with Todd, all that was hushed.

      Track was super angry that night and now all his anger is cured? The PTSD cured? Alcoholism cured? Drug addiction cured?

    4. Anonymous2:26 AM

      Willow didn't mentioned seeing her big sister being drugged around by her feet. Yet, Willow did say that Bristol missed every time she took a swing at the host.

    5. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Nice tries, trolls at 7:31. You sound like a Palin spreading lies. And that post (with a name) can become part of the suit. If you're not a Palin, then it is evidence that Bristol's blog had a negative effect on Korey's reputation.

  35. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Korey is a gentleman and he has every right to sue the little cunt and her family for attacking him and accusing him of being a woman beater.

  36. WA Skeptic6:51 PM

    I just thank whichever gods were around to spare us from us all from the horror of having this bunch of white trash one heartbeat away from the White House.

  37. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I just got banned on 'The RightScoop' for calling the Palin trolls on their nonsense. One poster actually threatened me and they ban me instead of him/ hilarious.............

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Thanks for taking one for the team! LOL

    2. Anonymous8:24 PM

      At least you didn't wade into the pond and stomach MES with her wuvs for Brian. That chick is OFF....or drinks a lot.

    3. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Check your brake lines before you start your car.

      "I'll keep cutting brake lines until the courts tell me I can't." S. Palin

  38. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Wow Bristol's defense is pathetic, and she never says why exactly she had her 5 year old child at a party to begin with. Epic FAIL.

    BTW If Korey doesn't sue her ass now he's crazy.

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      I agree. Sarah had Nancy go full on political and it just didn't work. I doubt anyone reads that blog. Sarah may direct a few old fools over there to see what a political victim poor Bristol is. The media is so bad on conservative women like Bristol. Poor Sarah what they do to her and her family.

    2. Or bought off.

      Or they have dirt on him to shut him up.

  39. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Brancy earning her check tonight, creating Bristol's spin:

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      After I got out of the car, I didn’t get far. I never even got to talk to his mom, because a guy in his late thirties or early forties got in my face. He was towering over me – probably at 6 foot something and over 200 pounds. He puffed his chest out and started yelling.
      “You c-nt!” he looked right in my eyes and said. “Get the f-ck out of here, you slut!”

      The 'guy in his late thirties or early forties....' THAT IS WHAT BRISTOL WROTE ABOUT KOREY KLINGENMEYER.

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      LOL I am NOT even going to click on that.
      WOW are they desperate.

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Do you think Nancy French ever feels dirty after writing crap fiction like that? Bristol is a disingenuous, drunken, malicious, liar.

    4. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Sarah has never learned when to STFU. Such stupid people.

    5. Anonymous8:48 PM

      i'm still wondering who forced APD's hand in releasing the audio, kkkarl rove or his ilk ?
      whoever it was i'm thinkin' they've only just started into bringing this clan of white trash lowlifes down, one cut at a time, one cut at a time ..

    6. Anonymous9:11 PM

      8:48 PM That would be sweet. The police have much more to share.
      They Palins must be paying well for this because people could make a fortune with what they have or had. The Palins would be paying top dollar.

    7. Anonymous9:40 PM

      So she still refuses to acknowlege the host of the party she had crashed.

      What a well brought up young lady, no?

    8. Cracklin Charlie10:29 PM

      Maybe Korey IS planning to file a lawsuit?

      Does it seem that they are in a rush to defame someone who has kept his mouth shut? Maybe the Palins couldn't close the deal to buy his continued silence.

    9. Anonymous10:55 PM

      7:43 - "Do you think Nancy French ever feels dirty after writing crap fiction like that? Bristol is a disingenuous, drunken, malicious, liar."

      No. Nancy French is an opportunist cloaking herself in religiosity. She is as amoral as the Palins. After all, what type of person would promote a hate spewing bullying family as lowlife and ignorant as the Palins?

    10. Anonymous3:17 AM

      NO, she thinks that by not naming names, she can't be sued, 9:40.

  40. ibwilliamsi6:58 PM

    What the Palins don't seem to understand is that while they can't sue people for telling the truth about the Palins, people CAN sue the Palins for telling lies about them.

    I hope that the video appears soon, and that the successful lawsuits follow immediately.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      I don't think that there will be any lawsuits. When Korey gave his statement to the police, he already knew what would happen, nothing. He also knew why. (The Palins). I wonder why the Palins are waiting so long to file their lawsuit. They bought up the videos or had them erased. Don't they have video of Bristol being assaulted, dragged and bruised? Where ARE the photos of Bristol's bruises? (Hey, Willow, punch your sister and we'll take some photos). Actually, what the Palins should have done was to head right to the ER in that big limo and get medical reports of all of their injuries. Oh, yeah, Dr.CBJ will come out of hiding to write up those medical reports for them. It's another God thing.

    2. Anonymous9:42 PM

      While those knees of Barstool's are some of the ugliest I've ever seen, there is no sign of injury or even dirt.

      Photos don't lie.

      Palins? They lie.

  41. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Check out the picture of Bristol that Raw Story used to promote the Throwdown at the Ho down. It's the picture of her pre Jay Leno chin implant when she was pregnant with child number three during the DWTS competition. I wonder if she's had a toobull since the Junker baby, or baby number four?

  42. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I love Bristol's defense of her "little sister." That wasn't little Piper. Willow is old enough to break into an empty house and throw a drug & drink party. We saw how feisty and sassy Willow could be in "Life's a Tripp." Someone insulted Willow so Bristol was forced to leave the car to settle matters, leaving her 5 year old son along in the limo? Really?

    If Sarah really was a good politician, she would have stepped into the crowd and told every one to cool it, let's all be friends here, we just wanted to wish our friends Happy Birthday. The fact that Sarah was left out of the report is an example of her excellent LOL leadership abilities and her abilities to bring people together. No, that's a very angry family, fueled by alcohol, who swear and fight. This wasn't their first rodeo. And, Sarah is a pro at keeping the lid on the Palin family's problems. Track's vandalism, Willow breaking into an empty house, Bristol's teen pregnancy (pregnancies) Sarah has had experience in keeping things quiet.

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      She's not a politician and never has been. She's an opportunist who found out the best way to subsidize herself and live off the government was to pretend to be one.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Sarah is the ultimate welfare queen. She found out she could get free money from the taxpayers to live off of and that's what she's been doing ever since she was a mayor. She then quit governor after she found out she was about to be busted and then made lemonade out of lemons by fleecing gullible people. Looks like her show is over and her own daughter who she held up as the paragon of unwed pregnant drunken teen virtue brought her down.

      How Sarah didn't see what was coming down the pike is beyond me. I think her hubris caused her to get a log stuck in her eye.

    3. Anonymous8:25 PM

      @8:10 Exactly!!!

    4. Anonymous9:09 PM

      There is enough of Sarah (such an 'exceptional' voice) on the audios of the police reports.


  43. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Here's the second installment, Gryphen. He really does devolve into a sort of 'word' salad of his own. He is SO way in over his head.

    Chuck Todd Explains The Meet The Press "Balancing Act" And How Diversity Is A "Front-Burner Issue"
    Part Two Of A Three-Part Interview Series

  44. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Sarah's fans are trying to suggest that Joe Biden's son taking cocaine is just as bad as this story. No, the guy apologized and said that he was going to get rehab. He was dishonorably discharged from the military, but I don't recall reading about him getting into brawls, punching people, and acting like a jackass in public.

    1. Sarong, not Thong, you stupid fucking hick8:13 PM

      The difference is Biden's son has actually had consequences from his actions. What consequences were felt by the Palins for their actions in this scuffle? None.

      You can say that they are blameless victims in this particular situation but the recordings prove that to be a lie.

    2. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Biden's son didn't assault anyone. Bristol was highly intoxicated and Biden's son was high, that's the only potential comparison. I also believe he took responsibility and apologized and then went to rehab. Bristol played the victim from the start. She lied and whined to the police and is now lying, whining , deflecting and blaming others on her blog. That's the difference Bristol. People have much more respect for those who own up to their bad behavior. The Palin's will never get that.

  45. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Sarah & Nancy's side of the story on "Bristol's Blog". Bristol ever the victim. Next thing you know she'll claim RAPE! again.

    The Truth about the “Palin Brawl” – The Media Reveals Its Bias Against Conservative Women Once Again

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      If Sarah had a lick of sense at all she wouldn't put this pathetic thing on BristolsBlog. Bristol, if you're reading this and have even one single ounce of self-esteem or awareness stop following your mother's advice since she has ruined your life and reputation forever. Is it really worth houses, boats and $300 pairs of sunglasses. My you are easily bought & paid for!

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      My favorite part of younger chick's blog is-cue the violins-the part about her attempt to maintain a "middle class lifestyle" or some such crap & how she goes to work to chip away at a better life for her child(ren?). Totally believable, because all middle class working mommies buy $300 sun glasses. Somebody introduce her to Ann Romney-they can compare notes on their experiences as commoners.

    3. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Not that Connor or Korey would sue Bristol for Bristol's Blog but how funny would that be? Bristol's Blog would have to answer questions and we would find out if Bristol even knows when her mother does these dumb things on the blog.

      Has Sarah made a link from her Facebook to Bristol's Blog yet? Her appearance with Hannity was the same theme. They have been plotting this damage control for awhile and must feel it is safe to do this at this time.

      Did Todd secure the deals with both Connor and Korey? The Palina know there will be no lawsuits.

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      $300 sun glasses.

      That is just gossip by said witnesses that were not even there. Believe only the blog version of Bristol Palin. Don't believe the video tapes or witnesses.

    5. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Also too, a family that purchases a new truck and trailer for daddy's 50th ain't exactly slumming it.

    6. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Yoo bad $$$ can't BUY class, morals and an honest character. Nobody in the PayMe family has ANY of those assets.

    7. Anonymous3:12 AM

      @8:52 - exactly. Last I heard, "Hair school" graduates aren't exactly rollin' in the dough, and what is it Track does again, and isn't he paying his child support?

  46. Anonymous7:48 PM

    HMMMM....Old Palin chick goes on tv last night to spew hateful librul women hate women & young chick blogs about how librul media picks on non-librul women. Similar themed messages.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      I guess Sarah won't be mother of Trig or mother of combat vet this week. She is fighting against what the libruls are doing to destroy conservative ladies.

  47. Anonymous7:52 PM

    wha wha she's playing the victim card & claims she was assaulted in her "Christian" blog, & about her being a good-girl who works to support her kid. Let see who buys it after listening to the audio.
    She also brings up Clinton, Chelsea Biden, compare & contrast? what do they have to do with her trashiness .

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Why does she bring them up.? It shows you the level of delusion that they think they are at that level, lol!

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Sarah uses that blog for political schemes. It is just part of the racket.

    3. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Poor Bristol, always the victim.

    4. Anonymous11:48 PM

      Victim of her mother's manipulation and exploitation

  48. Anonymous8:00 PM

    You too can have fun tweeting Bristol's excuses.

    The Truth about the “Palin Brawl” – Drunk Bristol Blames Biden and Chelsea 4 Being a Bad Mother via @BristolsBlog

    Drunken Bristol Blames the Media – The Media Reveals Its Bias Against Conservative Women Once Again via @BristolsBlog

    Bristol Palin Takes No Responsibility For Being A Drunk Mother - Blames Everyone Else #StillATramp via @BristolsBlog

  49. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "How drunk do you have to be to pee yourself?"

    "Palin drunk!"

  50. Anonymous8:06 PM

    So I would think the Palins would have to press charges now. I mean, if Bustle was assaulted, they have to, or what kind of parents would they be? Ball's in your fucking court, Palins.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Of course they must press charges if Bristol was assaulted. Or everyone will know they are such big bad liars. Everyone but the cult and cray cray.

    2. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Since they haven't pressed charges any of the other times they claimed their sleazy nasty daughters have been assaulted, I don't think they will this time, either.

      Their sychophants don't have the attention span let alone the IQ to follow anything to its logical conclusion, so it doesn't matter anyhow.

    3. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:42 PM

      It's been almost two months since the brawl. Why didn't the Palins
      a.) Notify the cops of the alleged sexual assault right away?
      b.) Press criminal charges right away?
      c.) Start a civil law suit right away?

      Why is this alleged assault only coming out now after so many weeks?

  51. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Piper is shown holding an infant on the birthday video...that must be the junker offspring.
    And williow looks pregno or maybe she's jut a perpetual chubster

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Pregno..?? There is no Junker offspring. You sound as stupid as the Palin's. Right up there with Bristol.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Look at the surprise video...wallow looks pregnant or maybe she's just chubby...and what happened to brisket's bun-in the-oven she had in Arizona & flaunted at the Disney trip with her junker lover.

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      It's the Palins not the Palin's...
      is that you creepy-chucky?

    4. Anonymous9:47 PM

      What video?

  52. Anonymous8:28 PM

    According to barstool it's all the media's fault. The woman is ALWAYS playing the victim card. Next she'll ask for Biden, Obama, Michelle, Warren, Clinton , Chelsea & even Monica Lewinski to "call her."
    But I would think the pedophile duck hunter & Limbaugh should suffice.

  53. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Anyone here have the email address of Korey K.? Maybe time to write him a polite note re. the defamation of his good name by $carah and Bar$tool!

  54. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Korey was more than a gentleman, especially after not divulging the video with all the juicy details & this is how they repay him. LOW-ass-class trailer-trash thug of a family.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Did Korey have a video? It was sold to the Palins?

      Sarah wouldn't be writing libel for Bristol to be sued if she didn't know Todd bought everyone off.

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      There are still plenty of non-Palin witness statements in the police report supporting Korey's version. Even if video disputing the Palin version never surfaces, those statements are strong evidence that the Palins are lying.

  55. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I don't understand.

    What triggered this fight to begin with? I don't mean the "old romantic interest," but how does it happen the Palins arrive at a party and start to be aggressive? Is there some backstory?

    They weren't invited to this party, is that correct? If correct, how do they happen to arrive en masse, uninvited?

    Is it true that it was Todd Palin's birthday also? If yes, how utterly odd to have no party of his own but to go wreck someone else's.

    Is that accepted practice in Alaska? Sounds like primitive cavemen to me..

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      He had a party but no one showed up so they crashed this one. And I don't think it takes too much firewater to get the Palin's all wee wee'd up.

    2. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Bristol must have come in with some attitude, wearing $300 sunglasses and her very special thong dress. (We can't see Bristol's thong if she covers up her butt with that jacket).

    3. Anonymous9:52 PM

      no, it's not accepted practice in Alaska. It's trailer trash behavior that goes on everywhere lowlifes like the Palins can be found.

  56. Anonymous8:59 PM

    From Bristol's whinefest: "A grown woman pushed my little sister." Wait. Isn't Willow a grown woman. I mean, they're all so mature and all.

  57. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Gryphen, I do hope you have something a lot more better up your sleeve. Something about the Palin Preg Hoax, or one of the crimes.

    If it was about anyone else, this brawl would be shocking. But it's right in line with Palin family values. Pretty dull IMO.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      I'm sure if you tell Gryphen where to send it, he'll issue you a refund. Oh, wait... he doesn't charge anything to read his blog.

    2. Cracklin Charlie10:15 PM

      There's an easy solution to your problem, 9:02.

      Click that little red 'x' up there in the top right hand corner of your screen. Buh-bye.

  58. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Again from Bristol's whinefest: When Willow saw all this happening she looked at the guy’s mom and said “get ahold of your son.” But apparently the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree, because his mom pushed Willow. A grown woman pushed my little sister.
    So Willow is "mature" enough to tell a grown woman what to do, but not mature enough to take it when the woman (allegedly) takes offense.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      A grown woman pushed my little sister. Willow is old enough and tough enough to take care of herself. She knows how to break into empty houses. She's tough that she finished two years of hair school. Willow has quite a mouth on her, judging from what we have seen of her on "Life is a Rip-off." Little sister. no, younger sister but not little.

  59. Dinty9:20 PM

    So, Gryphen, I'd like to ask about the comment policy here, because after making some very salient points in several comments at therightscoop, they were deleted without a trace, except in some cases where someone would respond (and then only the response were still there).

    We here don't do that, do we? I mean, we get some trolls here but they don't seem to ever respond or even dialogue. It just seemed like a bunch of people who couldn't handle any sort of dissenting or even non-cheerleading opinion.

    I would like to say that I don't want to belong to a group like that, and if opinions are being suppressed in that manner, I'd rather not participate.

  60. Anonymous9:30 PM

    MSNBC: Happy Face Bristol tells her side of the story....

  61. Anonymous9:40 PM

    So Sarah just endorsed Walker Mallot tonight?


  62. Anonymous12:04 AM

    From MehmeisterJr. at Wonkette:

    Friend Steve is going to spend the rest of his life living down Track's enthusiastic endorsement of him. It deserves a song:

    To the tune of "Flamingo" (with abject apologies to Duke Ellington)

    Palimo, like a flame out the butt,
    Stumbling out of a party,
    With my ma who's a nut.

    Palimo, my friend Steve, like, know what?
    Dude the dude's like a pussy,
    Who is gay but he's not.

    You know, it's like totally kosher shit,
    It's a God thing, you betcha, it
    Is a fight I could win.

    Palimo, when the butt hits the grass,
    Sure as beer goes with makeup,
    I'll return and kick ass.


  63. Anonymous2:59 AM

    OMG....the asswipe from the Daily Caller is on Morning Joke. Full court spin.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.