Monday, September 15, 2014

Hey guess who got mentioned in People magazine?

Oh if only they had known way back when.
So the magazine weighed in on the big fight, and in doing so quoted from ABC News, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Amanda Coyne, and yours truly.

That's right, little old me.

Here is what they mentioned concerning this most humble of blogs: 

Police were called to the scene, and the Anchorage Police Department said in a statement to the Times that "alcohol was believed to have been a factor in the incident" and the investigation was continuing. Although no charges have been filed yet, the police department's communications director Jennifer Castro confirms to The Immoral Minority blog that the case is currently "under investigation." 

This may seem like no big deal to some, but trust me getting mentioned along with ABC, the Post, and the New York Times is pretty damn satisfying after all of these years.

But that is just the beginning, because folks let me just say that in the very near future I am going to make your years of trust and loyalty to IM pay off.

Hee hee, this is the part where I chuckle to myself and say "stay tuned."


  1. Kathi in NJ6:17 AM

    You've always reminded me of an "old school" journalist. Cautious with information until it was confirmed, never posting just to post, and so thorough in your evidence that it could not be assailed. Any and all recognition coming your way is surely due and certainly earned!

    1. ShootingBunnies7:29 AM

      I agree with you Kathi. This blog has always been amazing and I feel confident in telling people about it because of Gryphen's ethics in reporting, etc.

      As I type this, I can see the Live Traffic Feed and it is scrolling non-stop, and very quickly. I have seen almost every state in the country and Wasilla and Phoenix appear quite frequently. I have also seen Scotland, England, Canada, etc. I would be very curious to know how many visitors Gryphen has received since this story broke. I would not be surprised to find out that he has had at least a million visitors, and probably many of them new since his name and blog have been mentioned by the MSM!!

      Congrats Gryphen to all of your hard work, your sweat and tears, as well as your fears in taking on this family, especially knowing their history.

    2. ShootingBunnies7:35 AM

      FYI - In the 15 minutes I have been reading, I have also kept an eye on the Traffic Feed as I stated earlier. I have counted Wasilla in the list 25 times!

    3. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Cautious and patient yes, which is a virtue. It seems evident that Uncle Gryph has known much all along that he hasn't revealed, just waiting for the right time…a much better approach than having to apologize and retract later.

    4. Anonymous7:55 AM


    5. Anonymous9:28 AM

      I still need to see the video.

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Congratulations!! You certainly deserve it. And I know it hasn't always been that much fun or rewarding. Great job, Gryphen!

  3. Todd broke a tooth6:22 AM

    Gryphen, you old tease. If this was any other blogger, I would think it was just a ploy for clicks. But since it's you, I will be anxiously awaiting the bounty which falls from Gryphen Clause's bag of goodies.

    Please let it be someone driving a stretch hummer through the gate known as "baby"!!

    1. Martha again7:48 AM

      Love that last line.

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I hate the stay tuned hook. I can't seem to leave this darn computer for a minute. I would hate to see how many clicks I give IM per day. Days like this would be many! Don't want to miss posts about Video, Jail, Custody, or Baby!!!! Prostitutes, either.

  4. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Congrats and well deserved!
    aAnd you know this just pisses them off royally!!
    Tale of Two Ears, Babygte, Splitsville.
    Hope new viewers check them out!

  5. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Can't wait!

    Seeing this picture again for the first time in years, I'm struck by how large the baby looks. That is one hella big four-month-old baby that was born a month early and has feeding difficulties. And mama sure doesn't look postpartum.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      And where's Track Menard in that photo ?

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Why are you assigning random last names to people?

      That is weird.

    3. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Hey Bristol, how's that hand feeling today?

    4. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Wow! That baby looks huge!

      Is Meagan M. really shorter than Bristol and Willow?

      Wow that baby looks GINORMOUS for a few month old preemie with health issues!

      Sarah I think you STILL got some 'splainin to do!

    5. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Anonymous7:10 AM said:
      "Why are you assigning random last names to people? "

      Why don't you know the meaning of "random"?

    6. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Anon@7:10 aka Bristol the Boxing Kangaroo, what's weird is that you didn't show up AT ALL in the past week. Hand too sore to type? LOL!!

    7. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Was that picture before or after Trig's heart surgery?

    8. Anonymous9:19 AM

      And look - does he have PERFECT EARS???

  6. Olivia6:27 AM

    Congratulations! You have done such a great job!
    Please stay safe. I love the thought of upcoming new revelations but I do worry about retribution. Most of us are acutely aware of what the Palin thugs are capable of.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      The big players are safe. There are just too many of us who have the bloggers backs and who are not afraid to unravel all the details, should a mysterious fire/shooting/plane crash/whatnot befall any of our dogged heroes.

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Now we need to get ABC to question and inquire into Trig's birth and Todd Palin's prostitution ring if he has one. Shailey Tripp took a lie detector test and passed it, that convinces me that Todd was her pimp. Todd how about you take a lie detector test?

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      It'll take one major scandal to be confirmed for the rest of them to be shaken loose. Once they're thoroughly discredited, mainstream journos will revisit the old stuff.

      Can't wait!

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      The conduct of the Anchorage Police Department in regards to Shailey Tripp (strange how that name keeps turning up) should tell us all we need to know about the next big investigation that needs to be done. Remember that Parker fellow--the APD spokesman-- who was covering for the Palins? Would love to hear Pastor Parker spin the brawl story!

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Theproblem I foresee as to a lie detector for Sarah is:
      Which personality is answering the questions?
      This is a legit psychological concern as one personality really does beleive she birthed a Tri-G. on 4/8/08 at MatSu with a regular old FPP inducement.

  8. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Ooh, Uncle Gryphen, we're counting on you!

  9. Anonymous6:29 AM

    GO GRYPHEN!!!!!!!

    It's about damn time you got some national media recognition.

    I eagerly await your next announcement.

  10. Com'on, no fair. Not even a little hint?

  11. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Congrats on the shout-out, and I hope you have video to share with us. Sweeeeet schadenfreude!

  12. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Congratulations, Gryph, you're my go to guy!

  13. Time to turn that worm for good6:32 AM

    Congratulations indeed!!

    Lots of hard work with not nearly enough thanks.


    Stay tuned for an iceberg?

    I sure hope that's in the near future.

    We all know they must still be out there.

  14. Anonymous6:33 AM

    It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Thank you for your years of light in the darkness. Keep it coming-we depend on you..

  15. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Syrin and IM are the two blogs that chap Sarah's ass the most.

    This is huge.

    And hugely chapping for Sarah.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM


    2. Crystal Sage8:09 AM

      Isn't it great that the Palins seem to have brought on their own self-destruction and cannot blame the "lamestream media" for it? Just alcohol and hubris. Does it every time.

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I love that Sarah will be sweating it about what Gryphen is about to reveal. Sucks to be a Palin!

  16. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Great Job G man! Congratulations! I hope it pays off and not for the Payme family! Thank you for your hard work and perseverance!

  17. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Actually, your documenting and blogging all the dirt on Sarah and family far exceeds ANY other news source ...

    You deserve a medal for your efforts to rid the world of Sarah.

    Congrats earned it

  18. Cracklin Charlie6:42 AM

    Well, bless your heart, Gryphen!

    Proof that persistence pays off. You gotta know that your loyal readers are wishing you great success. You have provided us with years of entertainment and information; and I, for one, thank you for that. All the best to you!

  19. GRYPHEN!

    "Stay tuned" indeed! LOL!!!

    *in my Randy Jackson voice*

    Congrats to you for hanging with the big dawgs...dawg!

    And to Krusty the Fucked Up Klown...who just booted all her computers...laid out all her snacks...polished up her bed gift to you....

    ........('­(...´...´.­... ¯~/'...')
    ..........­''...\....­...... _.•´


    Happy Monday Everybody!

    1. Balzafiar7:13 AM

      Thanks for the laugh, Gina. Happy Monday to you and everyone, also too!

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Funny only our troll isn't Kristy.

    3. Martha again7:50 AM

      Polished up her bed pan. Made me laugh.

    4. Anonymous9:06 AM

      back atcha gina.

    5. Anonymous9:10 AM

      And Happy Felt Hat Today to you Gina!

  20. Caroll Thompson6:48 AM

    You hit the big time G. Good on you. And today is Nicole Wallace's first day on The View. Do you suppose they will be talking about the drunken brawl? I think without a doubt, it will be mentioned and discussed. Can't wait to hear what Nicole and the gang think about it.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      I think that Nicole and Schmidt probably had the best week of their lives with the documentary Game Change validated for all time. "Don't you know who I AM????"

  21. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "But that is just the beginning, because folks let me just say that in the very near future I am going to make your years of trust and loyalty to IM pay off."
    Really? Again? Seems like another Lucy/Charlie Brown football incident. You probably shouldn't tease until you can actually divulge the tasty info. Love your blog, but considering the number of times you have teased us and then not come through....just sayin'

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      As a long-time reader here, I am willing to cut Gryphen some slack. The Palins have been remarkably teflon over the years--I guess being a pimp means you can get something on nearly everybody. So often times, Sarah waltzes through the minefield--"don't you know who I am?"--the pimp's wife--and the cops cover for her, and the governor covers for her. So I don't hold that against Gryphen when Sarah dodges icebergs right and left.. He's been my one go-to source and I don't feel he has let me down at all. He's doing a terrifc job in very difficult circumstances.

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      No one is forcing you to read this blog, to visit this blog, or to trust Gryphen. So why are you here?

    3. Anonymous9:15 AM

      I totally agree 8:42!

    4. Anonymous9:17 AM


  22. Well, I can't think of anyone more deserving than you to get some recognition about staying on top of this train wreck known as the Palins. I really appreciate your willingness to listen and then try to make sense of her gibberish, I can't listen to her voice anymore or very rarely because it is always the same old, same old disrespecting the President and his family.

    I don't always comment but have been reading all these years waiting with bated breath for her final swan song to be sung. I can't help but feel it is finally close and the world will finally see how truly sick she is. The time is now and it truly has been done by her own hand but we already knew that. She might be wily and manipulative but she is limited in her thinking.

    I applaud you for all your hard work and sincerely thank you for putting in all the time. i know I feel vindicated for hanging in there, lol, my daughter thinks I have been stalking Sarah Palin all these years by staying on top of her crappola but I think she fails to see all the damage that McCain unleashed upon America when he gave this woman a platform to spread her hate. Palin just took her 15 minutes of fame and ran with it to the dismay of all of us. You took one for the team so many times and went where we couldn't in your research.

    thanks again!!!

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I agree. How could ANYONE be fooled by this fraud. The right to life people, the DS people, the religious people, all paid for her to give screeches. A little digging, and they could have discovered what a fraud she is. Can not happen to a more deserving, lazy, grifting, sex and drug addicted family. Lazy asses, all of them. The IRS should investigate the cement company, to see how much they got in federal $$$ from PayMe.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      The people that have been fooled by her have WANTED to be fooled by her. They want so desperately to buy into the myth of the frontier hockey-mom that they repress or ignore anything that doesn't fit the image. She has given herself away countless times but her followers just don't want to see it. I think part of the mainstream media has bought into her "story" as well and are now very relunctant to admit their failure as journalists.

  23. Anonymous6:53 AM

    right fucking on!!! you have made my day! it's beyond time for seditious sarah to go down!!!!

  24. Anonymous6:53 AM

    to me,, the fact that she has not tried to defend herself speaks volumes.
    come on dammit,, out of 70 people there had to be 40 cellphone cameras, let's go people.

    bill in belize

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      I wonder if she is silent on the brawl by her own choice. Did someone give her a stern talking to?

      I really enjoy her silence, as people draw their own conclusions about why she hasn't deployed her patented word salad defenses and deflections.

      She probably knows the brawl is all Obama's fault, and not being able to tell us 'Murricans that rill truth, like a modern day Paul Revere against cronyism capitalism also too

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Just like the fact that they don't say anything about Todd's prostitution ring involving the cops. You know when they don't talk about it, it's true!

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      7:31 AM

      S. Tripp treated Sarah when she was to have been pregnant. They left that part out also too. Funny they have not sued anyone.

      Now a movie is getting made and will come out.

      Looking forward to the comedy sketches, docudramas and movies to come about this latest violent episode and the child abuse. It is so much more than a brawl.

      It is important to get all the series of fights and going on with Tripp from that night in Anchorage right so the films won't be confusing.

    4. Anonymous8:17 AM

      She "can't" say anything publicly, she can only put out anonymous background red herrings about the combat veteran/PTSD guy getting jumped by 4 guys. She can't say any of that publicly, with her or her family's name attached as authors, because all of the eye witness reports, and undoubtedly all of the police reports would contradict her version. The only thing she can do is get the fan club to buy her anonymous leaks. Note that her anonymous version glossed over the punches thrown by her daughter at the host of the party.

    5. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Yes, I think it was December, Sarah was quiet for a long stretch of time. Then the blogs reported the arrest of Shaley and the connection to Todd, it took awhile to hear from Sarah again. As we know, Palins(through the lawyers) got the Police to issue a statement saying there was no connection to Todd. Then Sarah called a radio show and denied the allegations. MSM helped her again.

    6. Anonymous8:46 AM

      8:17 AM

      Her attorney must mention to her all the potential sworn under oath her entire entourage is likely to encounter in the next year.

      The APD could be in her pocket and help her version. Even they can be sued. They may cause another Ferguson shit storm. Internal affairs hasn't even started on the prostitution case.

    7. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Since the matter is under police investigation, I am sure they told everyone not to talk to media. Palin for a change is actually sitting down and shutting up, scared to death that one of her spawn or her ugly little bully of a husband will end up behind bars.

  25. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Been tuning in since 2008; can certainly wait a little longer ! Thanx !!

  26. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Congrats Gryphen!! You deserve to be mentioned for all of your hard work. You are my go to for everything Palin, everyday! Thank you!

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      You should learn not to be so gullible.

    2. "Anonymous7:08 AM
      You should learn not to be so gullible."
      After you, chump.

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Oh my 7:08-- you sound awfully bitter today!! I'd take a few more days off if I was you. Up your meds and make a few extra therapy appointments for yourself darling.

    4. Anonymous7:39 AM

      "Anonymous7:08 AM"

      Seriously Sarah? A little jealous are you? ROTFLMAO


    5. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Sarah should be busy working on her own video from the Saturday night attacks. Especially the parties that went down in the Humvee. I hear it was AMAZING!

      Sarah will never be able to buy off everyone in the world and it is starting to look like that is what it will take to wrap this 'one little old party' up and put it away forever (not going to happen, Sarah)

    6. Anonymous9:34 AM


      Is that the SPC word of the day?

  27. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Hey guess who got mentioned in People magazine?

    That means those lame stream media people recognizes Immoral Minority. That's going to rile up the Turd from Wasilla. Great job my man.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Sarah never cared about policy. She can't focus on it. She could care less what The Economist, Weekly Standard, or any other policy periodical says about her. But People? Now that is different. Sarah reads People avidly. She cares deeply what People says about her. We all know it burns Sarah butt.

      And that's what makes this so funny.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Exactly, Anon 8:15! The Republicans laid out the vice presidency at her feet. She might have actually had a ploitical career had she finished out her term as governor. But Sarah 's highest asperation has never been to "stand up for rill 'Mericans," or to "progress Alaska," her shining star was cheap celebrity of the People and Us type. That's what she reads. That's why her daughters walk around like Kardashian-wannabes. That level is all that Sarah aspires to. Cheap trash.

  28. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Very much deserved Congratulations!

  29. Anonymous7:09 AM

    It was one incident. lol Media makes its money solely on exaggerations.

  30. Anonymous7:09 AM

    IM is mentioned in People Magazine? That's like a punch in the gut and a chop to the throat of Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Jesse didn't have to BUY his way into People either.

  31. Mazel tov, Gryphen, if that's really your name, which I am very close to being able to prove it almost certainly is not.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      You sure are a rocket scientist eh Sherlock.


    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Canuck, BJC is Beldar Conehead. His comments are satire. :-)

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Canuck--you know iof course that "BJC" might very well be our own "troll", Beldar J. Conehead (not his real name)?

    4. Anonymous9:27 AM

      BJC is resident satirist extraordinaire in these woods.

  32. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The supposed Palin version of the story given by Conroy of RCP doesn't do any justice to their defense any more than the first version does.

    In regards to Tripp, the second version (Conroy) still leaves the big question as to how did this party affect a youngster, Tripp, while he was sleeping in the limo, after Connor supposedly climbed into that same limo with questionnable behavior.

    Whether the fight took place on the front lawn, or whether the fight started because of Connor, who entered into the limo, the whole Palin defense does not stand. Child neglect.

    They brought a small minor to a party, leaving him in a limo, to sleep or whatever, knowing there would be drunkenness at that party, and left him in there without supervision. The way both stories go is that the Palins were all busy fighting off others in a crawling, mauling brawl. In both stories, including RCP, Tripp (the minor), is somewhere alone in a hummer and at risk of being harmed by drunken adults who could just get in that unlocked limo when they felt like it, while the Palin grandson was in there.

    There's no excuse for what might have happened to Tripp. Luckily he wasn't hurt, but he may have witnessed real emotional harm if someone abruptly entered the limo where he was sleeping and did "questionnable behavior".

    Their defenses are sinking. Tripp is the key in this whole affair. I suppose now they'll try to buy off anyone who took a photo of the poor little kid, or the limo driver who could be a witness.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM


    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Graph can you find Connor and get his side of the brawl story? How did the melee start?

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Luckily he wasn't hurt,

      Tripp was hurt and damaged. If only mental and emotional it is critical. The APD certainly abandoned him and did not protect him. Wait until we see their reports.

      Whatever anyone thinks about the Palins, Tripp was hurt. Don't ever think a child without physical bruises isn't necessarily hurt.

      Do you think Diana Palin's daughter wasn't hurt?

      Kids are cute even when they hurt

      Her Mama loved to party!

    4. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Connor is a kid and has Iron Dog to answer to. Even if he is bought off it won't matter. Not saying he was. He could be significant if he can tell the truth. If he's bought, he will be insignificant.

      The silence about Peter P.W. Ferrero grows louder by the day. What happened after September 10th?

    5. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Connor and Willow are still fb friends

  33. Anonymous7:12 AM

    They are extremely stupid people. And these redneck uneducated trash are also holding our country back

  34. Anonymous7:15 AM

    By the way, congratulations, G., in finally being acknowledged. You deserve it.

  35. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Congratulations! This is the one Alaskqn/anti-Palin blog I have never stopped reading since 2008. There were times I wanted to, or didn't agree but I always came back.
    I hope you are really right this time about our loyalty paying off. I think we have heard it before from you several times. Like Fred's book and then he disappeared, never to be heard from again!!

    So what's real soon?? Please give us a hint!!!

    Congrats! You are in People magazine! Now that will piss off the Palin's so be careful as always??

    1. Well the saga of Fred's book is a long and sad tale. But I will have you know I did everything in my power to help get that published.

      The fact that you do not have it in your hot little hands right now is solely the fault of jealous bloggers who some of you still unbelievably support to this day.

      Nuff said about that however.

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      That confuses me- I don't know how bloggers could stop a book from being published, but I assume it was some legal maneuver.

    3. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Gryphen, thanks for explaining! Really? I didn't know that. I truly only read and post here anymore. Can't you explain to all of us sometime the details of that? Why haven't you? Maybe it's best to just get it out there once and for all.
      I always believed the ear story because I'm a retired ear specialist by the way... I even wrote Brad about it but obviously he did not believe me. But if you talked to ten pediatric otologists and Audiologists, they would all say the same thing. Brad never talked to people who work with congenital ear abnormalities. He mentioned some device that is simply not used by most of the country at all. It's experimental at best.
      Maybe you and Fred shouldn't stop. So what if he has a past, whatever that is. Self-publish.
      This jealousy or competiveness between two blogs has to stop. It's childish and counterproductive.
      I can't wait to hear the big new news.

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      I don't like that blog because they intentionally write suggestive things with zero proof, only to add it to their readers' dark hearts and minds. They also refuse to retract huge lies they've told.

      There aren't bigger manipulators than them. Talk about people who cover up THEIR friends' lies.

  36. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Congrats Gryphen !!

    I have enjoyed your blog since 2008. This past week has been particularly delightful. Can't wait for the next installment of the "demise of the SS Palin"

  37. Are lol Media like lolcats?

  38. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I, along with many others just can't wait!!

    You most of all Gryphen deserve kudos. You know I was very dissapointed to read over at the other blog, some of their commenters to be so critical of you. AND I think some of them forget how Palin tried to roll her bus over you personally that has affected your life even up to the point now where now she's got her flying monkeys accusing you of horrible crimes against children!

    For that one reason alone I would support you in your every effort to take Palin down and have been now for years. We all know she's rolled the bus over many, many people causing them to lose jobs and having them put in jail whenever she has the opportunity. There is nothing I can do to help those people but there IS something we here can do to help you get her back just for that among SO many other reasons. She's not only hurt people in their personal lives but she has also hurt our country and brought all the racists and anti-Americans out of the closet with her BS.

    The fraud would go after every single one of us personally if she could because don'tcha know free speech only applies to her. Palin only goes after people who truly threaten her which just goes to show how powerful the Palin family knows you are since they along with her water-carriers show up here several times a day.

    I just can't wait until that day when the Despicable Queen of Buffoonery says, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?" and it spontaneously shatters into a million pieces in front of the entire world!

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I agree with you. That little club is just that, a club. And if you disagree you are shredded to pieces. There are are also some people who post without any regard fir differences in background or culture. They just assume everyone agrees with them. That's why I stopped going there. Some posters are offensive to those with differing beliefs.

      I also get really tired of P's narcissism and breaking story comments. No wonder he is so obsessed with Sarah. And many have had problems with him, but he is worshipped by some who are clueless about what has gone on behind the scenes.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      One day we need to know what went on behind the scenes.

  39. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Just jumping on the pile with another resounding round of kudos for you gryph! Fact is, when the msm "reporters" latch on to this they'll find that you and the others have already done all the heavy lifting of the actual reporting for them. Just waiting for one of them to ask outloud, "How did all of us miss all of this for so long?" Hope you are ready to answer them (constructively of course) when that question come up.

  40. Anonymous7:32 AM

    We are all very patient people and continue to stay tuned.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I'm not patient.

      But I stay tuned-in to IM as an enjoyable habit and out of respect for Gryphen--respect he has earned, in part, by his integrity and trustworthiness in protecting anonymous sources and by his good judgment and refusal to go the sensationalist route.

  41. A J Billings7:32 AM

    Kudos Gryphen, and after so many years of dogged work exposing the Palins and their ilk, you get a bit of recognition

    The other day, you said we could "take it to the bank" that there is something comin up that will hurt the Palins' reputation even more, essentially repeated today

    VIDEO? Confessions form a former Palin sycphant?
    Indictments or lawsuit against $arah?

    Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, please do back up your computer stuff to the cloud, send a few DVD's of important evidence to trusted friends, and watch your family's back. The Palins fight dirty, as we know.

    Surprise us chief, but please let it be video of her screaming about "get those cellphones" and/or "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" :::))))

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      What about her bad language? Is that on tape also, too? Hope so.

  42. Anonymous7:32 AM's what's for dinner Sarah.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Her only caloric intake is Red Bull, diet Dr. Pepper and some pills, so she don't eat no dinner.

  43. Anonymous7:35 AM

    My guess is Sarah is saying nothing about because there is going to be video proof that all this happened as reported. Disputing the reports will just make her look worse

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      It is routine for public figures to come out with a statement by even a designated representative such as their lawyer. IMO Conroy's report can be denied by the Palin family.

      Their behavior was wreck less to assault people at a large public gathering and wreck less to have brought a young child along also.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      She needed Hugh Grants publicist and a better lawyer. Another epic mistake and failure for all the Palins.

  44. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Congratulations for the recognition Mr. G. I hope it is just the beginning of a larger circle of readers joining us. You do a marvelous job, every damn day! Thanks!

  45. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The reports I've read about the Anchorage fracas state that the whole family was there, but no mention of Piper. Was she there?

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      No Piper or Trig at the violent bloody brawl.

      Only Tripp was with the drunken crazed violent family that night.

      Everyone is waiting for confirmation of the various stories of Tripp's part.

      It is not looking good for the Anchorage police. They have a history with the Palins and may repeat bad behavior.

      The prosecutor is also questionable.

      People are getting more disgusted by the day with leaving Tripp Johnston in danger.

      After the night of reckless abandonment and/or other terror, there was more threat and danger at the child's home.

      He clearly should have been removed from his mother by now. Someone is neglecting Tripp. Palins have a pattern of neglect as we see with Trig.

      A 25-year-old Florida man was charged with felony stalking in connection with a Sunday encounter with Bristol.

      There is a pattern of Tripp being put in danger. There is much more to it than one drunken night with a family of addicts.

      We are waiting to hear about the most recent Palin stalker. You can follow how these things go when you google Shawn Christy and see what happens when the Palins file stalker charges.

  46. Well, the poor shell-shocked troll is finally back up, stumbling around and leaving little piddle spots around.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Her hand has healed enough so that she can type again.

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I feel bad for you Nefer

  47. Anonymous7:42 AM

    7:09 media makes money on clicks and the truth about the skank is making for more clicks on every site than the lies about her!!! Read all of them/any of them and weep troll- she is toast!

  48. laurensd17:42 AM

    I am a loyal follower and participant also since 2008. I give you the highest accolades as a journalist and writer; and feel that you have given the world a tremendous legacy in exposing not only the Palins, but the travesties and triumphs of Alaska and mankind in today's world. You have meaningfully addressed so many issues and thank you.
    A gallant endeavor.
    And major score!
    P.S. Todd. I would be trying to get that two toned little prick into a witness protection program, 'cause they're coming for ya' man!

  49. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Congrats Gryphen. Sometimes I just sit back in amazement at this whole thing -- first of all, how this crazy no-nothing hillbilly could have gotten anywhere near the national stage. But maybe even more than that, how dogged the blogging community has been keeping after uncovering the truth. I cannot think of any public figure, political or otherwise, that has had an army of citizen journalists/bloggers all researching the truth on her and trying to expose her. Most things are forgotten, but this crazy lady inspired a whole group to just keep going to expose her. Any you have been right up there pecking away at her. Good work Gryphen.

  50. Randall7:45 AM

    Congrats, Gryph - you earned it.

  51. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Nice work getting some recognition. About 5 years ago my co-worker laughed off babygate - I said "mark my words" - when that day comes I hope it's you.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      I doubted "babygate" at first but the more I dug into the story and the more I read and thought about SP's actions and comments, the more convinced I became. Sarah's surprise announcement of her "pregnancy" was one big WTF moment for Alaskans, only out-done by the huge WTF moment when McCain selected her as his running mate. There is much that stinks about Sarah, and the story of "her" youngest child stinks to high heaven.

  52. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Good for you Gryphen! Get prepared for the slander that the P Pond Pod People will start to throw at you but you can take it because you tell the truth and you won't quit like a Palin. Thanks, you are doing a real service by exposing the frauds and a lot of people support that.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      The Pee Pond seems ever so much further away but growing even more insignificant by the day. Sarah, their carp has grown so big in the pond that that she's eating them up alive. Like a snake eating it's tail if you will until it swallows itself whole.

  53. Don't tease with me ... you know how long I have been waiting to pop that cork on the champagne! I thought I could the day she resigned as Governor Iin-name-only) but alas, things just got worse as she traveled around, spilling out word salads all over the county and bad mouthing our President. So this time, I want to know for sure she is through, silenced, arrested and charged with crimes, locked up, ... hell, no longer with us if you get my drift, THEN the bottle of champagne is ALL MINE!

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Uncork your bottle, Sarah just caused herself to lose a whole bunch of money from speaking fees, I wonder just how much more she can lose before Tawd, Bristol, Trackmarks, and Willow will have to get jobs.

  54. Gyphen, our loyalty has already paid off, and many times over. Entertainment, clarity, wisdom, humor, provocative thought, and sanity restoring rants—I for one am enormously grateful for your providing all of these.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM


    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Yes!!! I have been trying to break the IM/Gryphen habit for years now. But it's the first thing I read in the morning.
      It's provided years of entertainment. Thanks Jessie!!

  55. BTW Grphen, where is Meg Stapletongue? I would really like to hear from her again .... if she is alive and can speak.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I think after working for Sarah, Meg could only clear her palate by dropping entirely off the map. Also, she and Bill McAlister are pretty much reviled by most Alaskans. they lost their credibility when they worked for Sarah.

  56. Anonymous7:54 AM

    mentioned along with ABC, the Post, and the New York Times

    Yes! And you deserve so much more. Looking forward to your continued good work.

    Thank you immensely for all you do!

  57. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Congratulations, Gryphen. You deserve recognition for all the hard work you've done over the years. That your recognition is in one of the only magazines Sarah reads -- or looks at pictures in -- is funny.

  58. Anonymous7:57 AM

    She always looks like she hasn't bathed in days.

  59. Anonymous7:59 AM

    We've all been waiting a very long time for Palin to experience some karma, and hopefully now the ugliness she has been dishing out all these years will hit her right in the face.

    You have been commendable in your diligence to exposing the truth about her. I hope this all pays off very soon.

    Do you know if a support fund been has been set up for the man who lost his job at McKenna Brothers? I'd like to contribute if such a thing exists, as I think others here would too.

  60. Anonymous8:07 AM

    They will be so blindsided.

  61. Martha again8:09 AM

    The worst worst worst thing about Babygate is that Sarah's gotten away with it for SO SO LONG! It drives me CRAZY and continually makes me doubt any story of my beloved media, which is actually lamer than we realize, although in an entirely different way than Sarah thinks of it. Such a proper, proper newsgroup we have that looks the other way when women's waters break and they have labor pains during a speech and then they decide they want the privacy of an emergency birth in a hospital a thousand miles and many hours away, even there's a better one down the street and even though said chosen hospital doesn't have the required facilities to deliver a seven-month Downs syndrome baby from an over-40 mother on her seventh I think pregnancy with two miscarriages and what else was it that made this whole thing insane. Oh, yeah, her doctor isn't an obstetrician. And what do you think of the part when an obstetric nurse was killed in a fire? And when another fire ate up all the church records? And all those weird pictures of Sarah's belly going in and out, in and out during her pregnancy, and that one when she had a party all dressed up in her raincoat, and those scarves upon scarves, and that one unreal shoot of her with a belly bigger than the moon, taken soon after the one where she was flat as a pancake, and oh, the memories come back and back and back, and there were so many of them. How about little Curly Ear? And Levi with two babies? And Sarah taking Trig to the office when he was two? three days old? All preemie of him?
    Oh, please, media, media, get a GRIP on this story!!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      No one cares about babygate and even her supporters know Trig is not hers. What will bring her down now( financially) is drunken brawls, it will directly affect her speaking fees and donations. We already know she won't run for any political offices.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      I think they backed down when they started hitting the brick wall of protection set up by none other than John McCain which was motivated most of all by protecting himself!

    3. Anonymous9:40 AM

      There is always hope that Sarah Palin's actions through the past 6 years(GOD, is a long time) have a cumulative effect and MSM can finally make the decision to report on the fake pregnancy. Her insane ways makes the case.

  62. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Insights from the Palin “Anonymous Source” on the Palin Family Brawl

  63. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:11 AM

    I noticed that People didn't say "Immoral Minority, that defunct*, dead-as-a-doorknob blog that nobody reads". Imagine that! ;) Congratulations for many years of hard work--you deserve it! And even more to come!

    *h/t to Mr. B. Conehead

    1. Good one, LoveAndKnishes! (And BJC).

    2. LKB,
      A strongly worded complaint regarding this oversight is being delivered to People by uniformed agents of the Western Union telegraphy network at this very moment. Expect a public apology and correction by People within 24 hours.

    3. BJC8:55 AM
      "uniformed agents of the Western Union telegraphy network"
      On horseback, of course.

  64. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Haven't read the comments yet, but just want to say...Yay, Gryphen! You rock!! I'm so happy all your hard work and stick-to-it-ivness is finally paying off.

  65. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Wow! People Magazine. I'm proud of you. You are one brave dude.


  66. Anonymous8:14 AM

    That is one evil looking witch.

  67. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Crooked bony pointy witch finger too.

  68. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Remember when Sarah Palin said, "... I do think there should be consequences for bad behavior." Right now she is fighting to keep her family from having to pay consequences for their behavior once again. If what has been reported about the brawl is true there were some serious assaults and the Palins were the aggressors, all of them, any of them that were in front of the shocked party goers. Where are the videos? The Payme family must be paying out right now in large sums to keep those videos from being bought by media and making some really ugly threats against people.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Criminals like the Palins are used to covering up their bad behavior. This isn't the first time something like this has happened--it's just the first time they haven't been able to cover it up. Look how quickly they thought to grab other peoples' cell phones, and how the one witness who stood up was fired? That is what the mainstream media needs to look into. The Palins are practiced at lying and intimidation.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      LMAO Definitely worth tweeting!

  69. Anonymous8:16 AM

    LOL Celebrating already! Just so you know Gryphen, I never left.

  70. Ok, I might share the champagne with Gryphen; he deserves it!

  71. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Track Palin and a friend were getting a bit too friendly with female guests. Only Sarah and Todd were invited, but they loaded the entire clan into a stretch Hummer limo. While some witnesses say that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s, Devon’s source says that Track and a tag-a-long friend were crudely expressing their desire to “bend” women “over the lawn.”

    The husband of one of the women laid Track out with a fist full of justice, which led to Track’s friends getting involved, others joining in, and Bristol punching the host in the face.

    Sarah Palin’s Mysterious ‘Friend’ Gives Bargain Bin Barbie’s Side of Drunken Wasil-Mania Brawl

    ...See folks? She was just defending her kids…as long as we gloss over everything else and contradict numerous witness accounts.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Well of course they loaded their KKKlan and friends. They're just living by their family motto, "If it's free, it's MEEEE!"

  72. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Thanks for all you do Gryph!
    Scary that Palin was EVER chosen to be a VP running mate by that doddering old man.
    Such an INSANE lapse of the most basic common sense by Rethuglicans should never be allowed to happen again!!


  73. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The witch will live to regret putting down bloggers wearing pajamas in their basements that's for sure. Bwah ha ha ha ha ha payback is hell Palin family! You're going to need cases of Tums.

  74. Anonymous8:24 AM

    That's funny.

  75. Anonymous8:25 AM

    It was important to keep the Palins exposed. First, because they are creepy, and hang all together (ex. Todd working in Governor's Office, without any credentials or title), (kids constantly being present at speeches, travel, photos with dignitaries, looking bored and looking out of place) (using Piper and Trig as props during Sarah's tenure as governor and VP candidate), keeping kids and Todd near her during book signings, invited speeches, media parties, events) (being photographed with and providing intimate private family photos of Sarah's facebook, providing a look into their private lives through Sarah's reality TV, providing family members reality TV spots) (constant commenting and public acknowledging of each child's name during her political discourses), etc., etc., etc.

    Second, the rumors about 'questionnable' businesses, practices, and the evidence through witnesses who spoke out about these questionnable practices, and the lack of verification from media.

    Third, Sarah Palin's demand for donations to SarahPac, leading political followers that she's always contemplating running, yet never moving forward.

    Fourth, the extreme obsessive hatred she displays towards the First Family and President Obama. The searing cruel wording she uses against those she doesn't agree with. The sexual innuendo she uses, and the sexual tease in her dress and mannerisms.

    There is something very amiss with this family.

  76. People keep saying here, and asking, why the whole family was present (and especially Tripp) when Todd and Sarah obviously were invited to an adult party in honor of two Iron Doggers. Because, as you should know from our now YEARS of reading ... that is how they ROLL! Remember people (those of you who have been in it with me and Gryphen since 2008) ... emails pointed out Sarah responding to invites with "Can the kids come too? I don't go anywhere unless my kids can come." This is why the state of AK paid for airplane tickets, hotel rooms, food, and maybe even clothing for her whole clan!! At inappropriate events for children! It was freaking unreal. Plus there was no point for her WHOLE family (especially Piper and Trig) to go campaigning the entire time. Maybe the older girls if they had something to contribute. But our President and Michelle left their girls to go to school in Chicago, with their grandmother to babysit, unless it was a special even calling for the whole family and those only lasted a weekend or so at a time. The Palins roll as a clan, a very ugly, mean, chip-on-the-shoulder, vindictive, we are better than anybody and we own you CLAN! Take them all down - NOW!

    1. hedgewytch9:13 AM

      This is what narcissistic, borderline personality disorder people do - they HAVE to keep their family, etc. around them at all times so that they can control them. So that everything that happens around them can be shaped to their desires. No one is allowed any independence of thought or action. And the Stockholm syndrome family members actively work as blockers to prevent any outsiders from popping the bubble of their fantasy world. But when that bubble does get popped - it gets really ugly fast.

      When the Palin's finally get their well deserved comeuppance - it might just end with Ms. Sarah in the psych-ward.

  77. Anonymous8:38 AM


  78. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Loved the satire! It is more funny because Sarah Palin has worn extreme platform shoes in flag print she seems to believe are proof of her patriotism.

    I can't erase the image of Bristol Palin in sunglasses
    punching the hosts face in at around 11 pm. You can't make this stuff up!

  79. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Keep telling yourself that--lol Anon 7:09....

  80. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Congrats, Mr G!

    To any new readers from People magazine: neither the drunken brawl nor other indiscretions or gaucheries of the Palin family matter that much.

    The real point any new reader should grasp is the Palin Hoax -- Sarah claiming/faking she gave birth to Trig, then using this innocent, disabled child as the symbol of her party's "family values," which we now see as being as bankrupt as the faked pregnancy used to symbolize it.

    Even the faked pregnancy (well documented via unimpeachable photos of visibly flat-profiles of Palin just weeks before the staged "birth") is not that important except that it was used in an attempt to sway the 2008 election, and Schmidt, Wallace, McCain, and other behind-the-scenes GOP VIPs knew about it, failed to call it, covered it up, prevented MSM from investigating it, and are covering it up to this day.

    THAT's the real scandal, which is taking its time being revealed because of all the important people who collaborated in it. What did they know, and when did they know it? Of course: No one knew anything. Everyone's got his "plausible deniability" all worked out. Just us bloggers, IM in the lead, could see it all very clearly, as we look at the pre-preg pix of La Palin. Much circumstantial evidence also (the ridiculous "wild ride," the advance notice of "an easy pregnancy," the probable tubal ligation, the too-big Trig at the convention, and so much more). But go for the key: the undeniable pre-preg pix.

    Also, new readers: don't get lost in the tangents, which are many: we don't care who the bio parents of Trig are. We don't care about the involvement of the rest of the family. Focus on the one thing that is of national importance: Palin did not give birth to Trig, claimed she did to sway an election, others enabled her, the MSM did not research it (as brave Andrew Sullivan repeatedly asked it to do), and it remains in cover-up mode to this day.

    Any why is that? Hmmm?

  81. Otto Katz8:52 AM

    Gryphen, thank so much for your often unheralded work through the years to bring this crazy bitch down. We're so glad that it's finally paying off, I don't think there's enough popcorn in the world this week for your fans! On the way home tonight I buy a bottle of my favorite champagne to celebrate. Congratulations!!

  82. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I forgot to add, new readers: before he died, Christopher Hitchens said the Palin Hoax was "common knowledge" among his group of elite media pals. Not surprising, because anyone who can read can figure it out. So why is this hoax still covered up? Hmmmmm?

  83. Anonymous8:55 AM

    O/T but good news out of Arizona.

  84. Anonymous8:56 AM

    It looks like the Palins have recovered enough to resume leaving their little droppings about.

    1. The pitiful attacks and attempts at spin just confirm that Coyne, Thompson, TBAT and Gryphen stepped Sarah Palin's dick, LOL.

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Considering they've been back to work since the day after and no one talks about it tells you a lot about YOU people who obsess then them.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Work? Isn't that part of the smoke screen?

    4. Anonymous9:33 AM

      I agree. Work for the Palins now might mean attending to scrapes, bruises and mending themselves. Doing damage control. Plus trying to grift the few people the $arah can still grift from whomt still buy $arah's PAC grifting scam.

    5. LOL. "[Palins] . . . back to work" is an oxymoron.

      (Note to Palins: oxymoron is different from oxycontin.)

  85. Anonymous8:59 AM

    ♥ ya's all coming together.How sweet it is

  86. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Congratulations, Gryphen!! Makes me happy to see you make the big time. I hope your soon to be coming scoop gets your little"defunct" blog even more recognition!


  87. Otto Katz9:06 AM

    Clearest picture I've ever seen of it really being a wig. The color doesn't match! The texture doesn't match! Cheap cheap cheap. Hooker cheap. And that lipstick belongs on a 16 year old.

  88. Anonymous9:07 AM

    "There’s a video contest to be had here. Get your cameras and sets ready. Maybe you could do it with finger puppets? Or animate it with action figures, Robot Chicken style? We’ve got this thing and it’s fucking golden, and we shouldn’t just give it up because there’s no fucking video."

    People should do this with
    1) legos
    2) puppets
    3) just the voices

    Anyone remember when those 2 unfortunate Californians got eaten by a bear (or 2) in Kaflia? Sad, but it spawned a few very funny youtube renditions......

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Wish I had me some LEGOS. I have all those lego bible books, so funny. They do make some of those lego people with beards, and they would be easy to put falsies and wigs on, lots of makeup and hooker platform shoes, weird chins. Oh my, I think I'll go buy some legos!

  89. Anonymous9:11 AM

    The Palin curse strikes again.

    Am waiting for the Palin curse to strike with respect to both Joni Ernst and Ted Cruz, both of whom very recently said they were 'standing with Sarah Palin'. Cruz, in fact, may have said it even after the last Palin brawl (but before most of the media world woke up to the true reality of Palin-world).

    Could someone PLEASE start tweeting Franklin Graham and the Duck Dynasty people as to what is going on with their 'friend'?

  90. Anonymous9:14 AM

    All that picture needs is red glowing eyes (though her black eyes match her heart) and a caption.

  91. Anonymous9:14 AM

    LOL, just one drunken brawl huh? Just one? BAWAAWWWAAHHHH , just one drunken brawl has made sure she will never run for political office. Just one drunken brawl will lose her a great deal of speaking fees. Yep, just one drunken brawl, but you better run back to the Pee and donate some more money, those Limos are expensive and Sarah and her thug kids gotta partee!

  92. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This place is a cesspool. More so than Euro blog and that's bard to beat. Over there, they revel in being nasty bullies who stop at nothing to destroy people.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Then why do you come here, and why do you go there?

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Whatever, if you are too blind to see the inconsistencies in so many of Sarah Palin's tall tales then you have a complete and utter lack of critical thinking skills. Mrs. Palin herself has always said that "she doesn't believe in coincidences" yet her entire life and family are surrounded by a deep mote full of coincidence and inconsistencies. She's like a religion to you people, you believe without questioning, much like having a blind faith in god.

    3. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Do you get paid to be a troll or do it for free?

  93. Anonymous9:16 AM

    And if you're her daughters, showing up at a party at dark wearing Kim Kardashian knock-off sunglasses is a must. It signals to everyone else what an important celebrity you are. snicker

  94. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I hate bloggers commenters slamming each other. I hope the bombshell is true and huge and quickly forthcoming to silence those who are poopoo-ing Gryphen.

  95. Anonymous9:19 AM

    My new favorite hashtags

    #PalinBrawl #WhiteTrashPalins

  96. Gryph, you old tease! I am so happy for you. You have many faithful readers (myself included) who appreciate all the hard work you do. And may I say on a personal note ... I appreciate how difficult and dangerous it must be to keep on keepin' on when you live near those skanky grifters---and their goons!
    Stay safe ... and namaste...

    (It is going to be real difficult to focus on work when I have the urge to just click on here 239847329847 every hour) :-))

  97. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Found! on Ebay, this is the actual description: Womens High Top Platform Punk Canvas American Flag Sneakers. I like the punk part especially, here's the best part Delivery from China! 'cause nothing more patriotic than a 50 year old woman wearing cheap smelly made in China sneakers.

  98. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Palin's trying to deflect again. She put up a video about "Death Panels" on her blog that she calls a "channel." I hope it doesn't get a mention, or get picked up, by MSM. She isn't hard to figure out--trying to obscure the brawl with another uproar over death panels. The brawl needs to stay front & center. There's so much talk of violence with the NFL now that people are more sensitive to it and paying more attention.

  99. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I am so happy for John McCain and the Republicans that are stuck to her with super glue.

    Please go ahead and shout it from the roof tops how she was defending her family and how you admire her grit. She is the face of GOP and you must get out and give her big names that support her. She needs you, McCain and Cheney more than ever. Look at all she did for you all these years.

  100. Anonymous9:31 AM

    So Mr. Gryphen, are you ready for your close up? It's been a long time coming. Looooooong time.
    I always did love you best scarecrow. I especially love your sense of humor.

    Watch yourself. Keep you and yours safe. Alaska is a ruggedly beautiful but dangerous place. But you already know that.

  101. lostinmn9:39 AM

    Seems like the paid Palin trolls are back in action since they have to know you're getting some new visitors here. Kind of missed them the last week. One thing though, it does seem more likely the Palin family stooge is Willshe since the Brisket should still be nursing a sore hand from her mighty punches. Or even using Brancy for these posts.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.