Tuesday, July 22, 2014

If you think Sarah Palin's remarks about impeaching President Obama were over the top wait until you get a load of this guy.

This guy is Stephen Steinlight who is a senior policy analyst for something called the Center for Immigration Studies, which is apparently a think tank for the anti-immigrant Right.

Here is what he said courtesy of Right Wing Watch:

A rash of opinion polls which have come out, not push polls, real polls, including one by Gallup that showed that 65 percent of the American people don’t want any part of an Obama-style immigration reform. But the idea of this [lawsuit] is vintage Boehner, it’s a political loser. There is no court that is going to stop Obama from doing anything. We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? I mean, I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. 

To be clear this is a man who believes that the twice elected  President of the United States should hung by the neck until dead and then have his body cut into pieces for trying to do his job.

This is the face of the Right Wing in America.


  1. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Here's part of a tune by Todd Snider. If you've never heard him, you should. He is quite a word master.

    "Diamond and dogs, boys and girls, living together in two separate worlds. Following leaders of mountains of shame, looking for someone to blame.

    I know who I like to blame:

    Conservative christian, right wing Republican, straight white American males. Soul savin, flag wavin, Rush lovin, land pavin, personal friends of the Quayles.

    Quite diligently working so hard to keep the free reins of this democracy from tree huggin, barefootin, folk-singin, hippies like me. Tree huggin, peace lovin, porn watchin, lazyass hippies like me."

    If you'd like to hear the rest of this most excellent song, head on over to You Tube and type in Conservative Christian by Todd Snider. It's a hoot and It's even better with music. You'll be glad you did.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Love me some Todd Snider!

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Me too! Just finished his book. Excellent!

  2. This loser is making things very difficult for those living in drought states, having to flush twice and all.

    You just know that this asshole really wanted to say "lynch" instead of "drawn and quartered".

  3. Anonymous3:00 AM

    If there was a president who ever deserved to be impeached, it was George W. Bush.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

      You can say that again. I have this passing daydream from time to time. Know how Presidents "pardon" people in jail on their way out of office? Welll..... I imagine President Obama doing the opposite, with GWBush, Darth Cheyney, Rumsfeld, Condoleeza "Can you just read for us the topic line on this email" Rice, and toss Mc Cain in there for thinking with the wrong head when choosing a running mate.

  4. 1) This is exactly what chicken-shit Palin intends to happen. She ratchets up the hate and lets others do the dirty work. Without scum like her laying the groundwork, this jerk wouldn't feel so free to sound off this way.

    2) I think there is a typo. You wrote "think" tank when the context indicates the correct word is "sewage" tank.

  5. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Hateful fuck.

  6. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Again, as per my comment on the last post, I say the more these "faces" of the Republican "Right" expose themselves -- for the shits they are -- the better for getting the swing voters to vote Democrat.

    Obama has been a poultice to bring out all this poison.

  7. Anonymous5:00 AM

    These creeps are at this crap 24/7. Including our Senator that uses his time for a discussing an international tragedy to attack. The CNN started out serious and with respect for the families and all. Madeleine Albright spoke, McCain was in a follwoing interview.

    John McCain on CNN this morning, it was to be about the MH17 situation. Mac recklessly used his part to snipe at President Obama. Mac had to say the President was not showing leadership. All that Mac said he should do, he has done. Fareed Zakaria called him out for his bipartisanship. How during these times our Representatives, Statesmen have not been so petty. McCain was shameful. He also made a 'joke' about being interrogated by Russians. It was tacky and stupid and out of place. Still can't believe he said it and his goofy explanation when called out about it. That man is a disgrace. I would like to see him out of our Senate. He doesn't respect America.

    If you can see this, McCain and Zakaria in a following interview, it is alarming. Chris Cuomo in another segment mentioned it. The lady host summed it up as McCain being McCain tee hee.

  8. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Isn't this a (albeit a bit veiled) threat to the President? During the last guys' rule, this asswipe would have been incarcerated before he could finish the sentence. Whatever happened to that?!?!???

  9. Anita Winecooler7:01 PM

    Honestly, where does free speech and threatening to kill the President mesh? Drawn and quartered, if my memory is correct, is being tied to two horses then eviscerated with a sword by making two cuts that resemble two planks that cross each other.
    I hope the FBI, CIA and Secret Service give this guy a wake up call. The radical right wing racism is too deeply entrenched, add the ammosexuals and teahadists and we've got "American Exceptionalism in the form of domestic terrorists.

  10. Super Fan In Atlanta5:39 AM

    And people squirmed and balked when you showed that photo of Black people hanging from trees. That sentiment is still alive and well. The people saying these things now are the great grandchildren of those who actually did the hanging, drawing and quartering. They are still angry they lost the war and even angrier that they are not as superior to women and minorities in thought, speech, act, deed or existence as they believed they were.

    I hope you continue showing what the ugly truth looks like, Uncle Gryph. Yes, at times it's unpleasant to read, see or hear, but at least you're equipped to make decisions based on fact and not make believe, fairy-tale, easy to swallow watered down versions of reality.


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